Brehettes how often do y'all get approached


Nov 26, 2016
Im saying the arrogance it takes to talk bad about the men that approach women. Women gotta understand that men have to have something EXTERNAL about them to be attractive and being handsome helps were as women can upgrade on looks alone. That why women in this country don't get better cause you have most men willing to SIMP. Were as a guy like me ask questions like...

If you didn't have beauty and a vagina how else would get a man?

Do Beautiful women talk they way into dikk ever?

Do women realize that men have to develop a lot of verbal skill that women DON'T have to have?

Why is it so hrs for women to take responsibility for anything ?

Why want women except the UGLY truths about men ?

I go more questions that I think I about sometimes but I'm chillin thoe :ehh:
I'm actually funny and not corny funny. Funny asf in real life. My verbal skills is also impeccable. Been that way since a youngin.

A beautiful women may talk her way into dikk if a man was in a relationship and was really tryna be faithful to his girl. Some may take the bait bc she beautiful. Some may give in on the start. But for the most part a beautiful woman probably doesn't have too.

Some of you men still don't have verbal skills. NEXT.

It's hard for people to take responsibility for anything. However, if I'm wrong..I'm wrong.

What are these ugly truths you speak of?
However I've talked to so many men on a personal level...without the censor it's actually quite sad knowing so much. I don't think a women should know so much about how y'all think. It can be a Let down. Personal opinion. However they should respect it.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Please don't put your hands on any part of a woman's body without her giving you permission. lol. You touch my face, you getting cut, for sure.

Hi, what's your name? Mines is....

You see a woman walking down the street and you say, smile why you aint smiling? What if I'm having a bad day? what if you're ugly? What if im not feeling well? Why do I have to smile because YOU want me to? Its not a good conversation starter. Just introduce yourself, if she is not interested, move on to the next chick.

Why don't you stay home if you do not want guys talking to you
Mar 23, 2013
You're adorable.

Not sure any woman is talking bad about men who approach. Yes some men do get clowned buts its usually kids who clown each other because thats what kids do.

I dont have to talk my way into dikk but women generally want more than dikk so how do I talk myself into a commitment? Men say beauty helps in that regard but isnt a guarantee.

As a man you should know that with a serious woman, your verbal skills will only take you so far. I thought men were about action and not words and gimmicks?

First off women run the sex game. Men run the commitment game. Women have to like you to sleep with you men have to like you to sleep with you AGAIN. Remember what i said earlier mens sex is cheap everythings else is going to time to get. Women dont undersyand your not special right away . Men are cause they give all lot of shyt up front that in essence dont eant to give. With me it's a combination I don't have gimmicks I'm to old (32). I'm getting better at articulating myself so I value communication and action I speake things into existence.

I could write a letter to women on HOW simple men are and the six things men need out of a women six things only.

Mojo Jojo Morpheus

Dap Distributor
Dec 8, 2016
Where it's hotter & wetter
Why don't you stay home if you do not want guys talking to you

Women can be full of shyt and often times don't see the logical inconsistencies in their arguments when they make them but nonetheless, brehs just have to know better.
Another poster already stated that the way a woman is feeling about herself in the moment you approach will be a large factor in whether or not you're successful.
Take note of that, because it's true in ALL cases. :ufdup:

The mental state of the woman you're trying to talk to dictates whether or not she will be receptive to your advances.
But that's not something you can determine by just looking at a girl, most brehs can't anyway.
Because you could be at the club and try to holla but she really only came for her girlfriends and is in a "fuk all men mood" cause her Baby Daddy recently fukd up.
Or vice versa, she could be on her way to work on the train ride y'all share but has been crushing on you for weeks already wishing you'd approach and say something.

See, since the vast majority of women are content to be passive and don't want to risk rejection by putting themselves out there, they HAVE to rely on dudes picking up on social cues/body language/ and other obscure intangible bullshyt. Now, learning to "read" a situation is an invaluable skill which can be applied outside of simply trying to get some skins, so I advise all brehs to learn it. But better than reading, is the ability to change the chemistry of a given situation. Learning how to CHANGE a girl's frame of mind, instead of simply recognizing it is the true key to universal success.

But if you fail to develop either one of these skills, you're reduced to relying on sheer numbers. Just swinging away and letting the law of averages decide if the girl you're talking to is buying what you're selling. SMH. Improve your technique and all this negative nancy stuff the brehettes are talking in here becomes air. :russ:
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Mar 23, 2013
I'm actually funny and not corny funny. Funny asf in real life. My verbal skills is also impeccable. Been that way since a youngin.

A beautiful women may talk her way into dikk if a man was in a relationship and was really tryna be faithful to his girl. Some may take the bait bc she beautiful. Some may give in on the start. But for the most part a beautiful woman probably doesn't have too.

Some of you men still don't have verbal skills. NEXT.

It's hard for people to take responsibility for anything. However, if I'm wrong..I'm wrong.

What are these ugly truths you speak of?
However I've talked to so many men on a personal level...without the censor it's actually quite sad knowing so much. I don't think a women should know so much about how y'all think. It can be a Let down. Personal opinion. However they should respect it.

I like this post I'm put my thinking cap on and get back to you hell I might just you up with my answer. You seem like you have a good energy about you anyway ...seems like you peaceful feminine. :youngsabo:


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
Women can be full of shyt and often times don't see the logical inconsistencies in their arguments when they make them but nonetheless, brehs just have to know better.
Another poster already stated that the way a woman is feeling about herself in the moment you approach will be a large factor in whether or not you're successful.
Take note of that, because it's true in ALL cases. :ufdup:

The mental state of the woman you're trying to talk to dictates whether or not she will be receptive to your advances.
But that's not something you can determine by just looking at a girl, most brehs can't anyway.
Because you could be at the club and try to holla but she really only came for her girlfriends and is in a "fuk all men mood" cause her Baby Daddy recently fukd up.
Or vice versa, she could be on her way to work but has been crushing on you for weeks already wishing you'd approach and say something.

See, since the vast majority of women are content to be passive and don't want to risk rejection by putting themselves out there, they HAVE to rely on dudes picking up on social cues/body language/ and other obscure intangible bullshyt. Now, learning to "read" a situation is an invaluable skill which can be applied outside of simply trying to get some skins, so I advise all brehs to learn it. But better than reading, is the ability to change the chemistry of a given situation. Learning how to CHANGE a girl's frame of mind, instead of simply recognizing it is the true key to universal success.

But if you fail to develop either one of these skills, you're reduced to relying on sheer numbers. Just swinging away and letting the law of averages decide if the girl you're talking to is buying what you're selling. SMH. Improve your technique and all this negative nancy stuff the brehettes are talking in here becomes air. :russ:

OR she could be in a relationship, she could not be attracted to you, she could not be looking for a relationship etc. I know most of you are younger so maybe that is where your views come from. Saying you dont want to told to smile by random men on the street is being challenged by dudes and it is very weird.

Edit: This weirdo Astrotik (or whatever it is) negging me cause he gets no p*ssy. :russ:
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Mojo Jojo Morpheus

Dap Distributor
Dec 8, 2016
Where it's hotter & wetter
OR she could be in a relationship, she could not be attracted to you, she could not be looking for a relationship etc. I know most of you are younger so maybe that is where your views come from. Saying you dont want to told to smile by random men on the street is being challenged by dudes and it is very weird.

I never said you were wrong, brehette. In fact, I kind of agree that "Why don't you smile, beautiful?" is a terrible cold open for the reasons that you described. If you see a moderately attractive female with the stankface and you try to open with JUST some variation of "Just smile.", they're going to take it as "fukk how you're feeling, it's annoying ME to see you over there scowling so put on a smile on your face." That's not messaging ANY woman would be receptive to.

And really, there's our problem, not only in male-female relations but modern interpersonal communication in general. People don't know how to bridge the gap between what was SAID and what was MEANT. Then feelings get involved, and people can't admit to being wrong or having misunderstood.


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
I never said you were wrong, brehette. In fact, I kind of agree that "Why don't you smile, beautiful?" is a terrible cold open for the reasons that you described. If you see a moderately attractive female with the stankface and you try to open with JUST some variation of "Just smile.", they're going to take it as "fukk how you're feeling, it's annoying ME to see you over there scowling so put on a smile on your face." That's not messaging ANY woman would be receptive to.

And really, there's our problem, not only in male-female relations but modern interpersonal communication in general. People don't know how to bridge the gap between what was SAID and what was MEANT. Then feelings get involved, and people can't admit to being wrong or having misunderstood.

I know you didnt. I just wanted to follow up on the whole mental state comment because I think that makes it more complex then it needs to be. I cosign everything in this response though.


Nov 26, 2016
I like this post I'm put my thinking cap on and get back to you hell I might just you up with my answer. You seem like you have a good energy about you anyway ...seems like you peaceful feminine. :youngsabo:
I was bout to hit ya inbox and tell you to send me six simple things you speak of. Hit me..let's converse.


Nov 26, 2016
Telling a black woman to smile :what:
Fuq wrong with y'all
I got fired for not smiling. Lol so serious.

White district manager came at me like "why you mad?" (With attitude)

I said "huh?"

She said "why you not smiling?"

I said "I'm bagging candy in a bag should I be doing this..." and did a fake goofy as smile while bagging candy then stopped smiling. Kinda like Kanye gif.

She stared at me for a hot minute, I stared back then she left.

Literally in my head I said "I'm fired." Lol

Next day actual store manager "what happened brokephibroke...I heard you had a really nasty attitude toward Mary. We gotta let you go."

It's real out here when you don't smile for people.