Breh wanted 50/50 & to “Fill The Gaps” ... peep the look on her face


May 1, 2012
In general.. the last thing you want is for your daughter to be feeding and providing for a dude. And if she has to take time off work to raise his child, that family begins to struggle because breh cannot carry the load. It’s weak.
But if the guy is actually doing something and working hard and has aspirations, I think it's different.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
A lot of women look for security out of a man. They want to be in a situation where they can quit their job outright or switch to part time hours so their man can pay for most or everything. I've worked with women long enough that I've seen it happen like clockwork. They get pregnant, take a leave of absence. Come back and work for a year, get pregnant again, leave again and then come back with reduced hours.

If they can't do that with you, they don't want you. To these women, a man is a surrogate parent to THEM. Men need to have a "father" energy. In essence you have to be better than her in every conceivable way and make up for all her deficiencies. You can't be too outwardly and obviously better though because then she feels insecure and resents you for being in a position where she may have look like you're settling for her. If she feels you can do better, she'll think you are. She'll think you're cheating on your business trips or when you work late. She'll think you don't spend enough time with her. She'll eventually push you away and then claim that you "were intimidated by an outspoken woman"

Its an old dance. I can tell this is what will happen with ol girl. She'll find a nikka with more money than her, he may or may not commit, but it won't matter because her unsaid expectations and her insecurity will sabotage the relationship and put her right back to square one.

Relationships benefit women more than men, and women hate being alone or in their own company more than men do generally. A man who appears normal(looks healthy, has no major financial problems, mentally well adjusted and good social skills) is often single because he wants to be. A woman who is in her 40s with no man is single because she can't keep a man and is unwilling to be realistic about her expectations.

You can't be 6'4 and refuse to date a man under 6'6. Thats less than 20% of the population. You can't be earning 100k a year and refuse to date a man making less than 200k. Most people don't even make 80k.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
Not really, no. I've explained my reasoning multiple times in this thread breh.

Yea I caught up to your posts.

I agree to an extent but im telling you brah in cities like DC, Seattle, SF, NYC, Chicago, its not uncommon for women to date and marry down financially. Every bytch here in Seattle is making 6 figures so financial leverage goes out the window. Im not saying they wouldnt choose up to a richer dude. Im saying that its such a rarity in big cities so bytches accept the fact that they will probably date a similar or lower earner.


Collecting honey and money
Dec 19, 2016
Relationships benefit women more than men, and women hate being alone or in their own company more than men do generally. A man who appears normal(looks healthy, has no major financial problems, mentally well adjusted and good social skills) is often single because he wants to be. A woman who is in her 40s with no man is single because she can't keep a man and is unwilling to be realistic about her expectations.

You say that but from my own observation. I have to disagree as there is either a mutual benefit or typically the man benefits more as women are expected to take on more roles. And the fact is as men we are more dependent on women.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
You say that but from my own observation. I have to disagree as there is either a mutual benefit or typically the man benefits more as women are expected to take on more roles. And the fact is as men we are more dependent on women.
Break this down. What is she getting when she gets with the kind of man she wants?
Financial protection
Physical protection
Pretty much on demand sex
Access to his family.

Society doesn't look down in disgust at a woman who depends on a man. Even if shes a well paid professional people don't bat an eye at her working part time or casually. You can't say the reverse is true.

What are you getting when you let a woman into your life? Can you guarantee she won't be like the one in the OP who is paid but still wants a man to do most of the work ? His request is reasonable. They should share responsibility as a partnership, but look at the comments on the video and the woman's reaction to his sentiments. Literal disgust.


Collecting honey and money
Dec 19, 2016
Break this down. What is she getting when she gets with the kind of man she wants?
Financial protection
Physical protection
Pretty much on demand sex
Access to his family.

Society doesn't look down in disgust at a woman who depends on a man. Even if shes a well paid professional people don't bat an eye at her working part time or casually. You can't say the reverse is true.

What are you getting when you let a woman into your life? Can you guarantee she won't be like the one in the OP who is paid but still wants a man to do most of the work ? His request is reasonable. They should share responsibility as a partnership, but look at the comments on the video and the woman's reaction to his sentiments. Literal disgust.

I am not with the whole a man should pay for every single thing. But I can see her point as she wants to settle down and have kids within a short period.The moment you have kids the emphasis gets placed on a man to be the main long term provider.

Women typically take on the domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning, making sure the house is looking presentable. Being our therapists, stroking our egos and making sure that we are sexually stimulated now that does not apply to all women but you get my point. And making sure we take care of our health. Sticking around when we are on the come up.

For men the main requirement is financial stability and sticking to his words. And that why I have also said that it can be either mutual but men tend to benefit more, providing that hey have the right woman.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
I am not with the whole a man should pay for every single thing. But I can see her point as she wants to settle down and have kids within a short period.The moment you have kids the emphasis gets placed on a man to be the main long term provider.

Women typically take on the domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning, making sure the house is looking presentable. Being our therapists, stroking our egos and making sure that we are sexually stimulated now that does not apply to all women but you get my point. And making sure we take care of our health. Sticking around when we are on the come up.

For men the main requirement is financial stability and sticking to his words. And that why I have also said that it can be either mutual but men tend to benefit more, providing that hey have the right woman.
And thats the major key. A lot of these women don't want to do the tasks you described. They want you to work, come home, and do some chores too. Men are laughing in this thread because too many of today's women don't ACTUALLY want a 50/50 situation, nor do they want to live like their parents and grand parents did. They want you to pay for everything while she sits at home.

They're self centered so they cant be counted on to provide emotional support for you either. What you described is an ideal situation that most men would love to be in, but too many women resist. Women like the one in the OP may still decide they won't fall back when a kid comes along and they want you to pay for a nanny to raise them kids. Negus who slap a ring on any half way decent woman end up with headaches because they didn't vet them hard enough or ask the right kind of questions.


May 7, 2012
But if the guy is actually doing something and working hard and has aspirations, I think it's different.
I mean... it's not different. My daughter and grandchildren can't eat aspirations.

But it's something to work with and give hope. I mean if he's 25 that's ok I guess but he needs to be on the right road


May 7, 2012
And thats the major key. A lot of these women don't want to do the tasks you described. They want you to work, come home, and do some chores too. Men are laughing in this thread because too many of today's women don't ACTUALLY want a 50/50 situation, nor do they want to live like their parents and grand parents did. They want you to pay for everything while she sits at home.

They're self centered so they cant be counted on to provide emotional support for you either. What you described is an ideal situation that most men would love to be in, but too many women resist. Women like the one in the OP may still decide they won't fall back when a kid comes along and they want you to pay for a nanny to raise them kids. Negus who slap a ring on any half way decent woman end up with headaches because they didn't vet them hard enough or ask the right kind of questions.
In my experience this is simply not true. At least not the women I'm around.

Most the women I'm around are university educated and in decent careers earning decent money. Most are looking for a man of a similar ilk. No more no less.

I know a lot of women whose men actually earn less than them and the still do the majority of the house chores.