Being a stay at home mom is hard for the first 5 or 6 years, then when the kids can go to school and come back on their own(school is within walking distance or there's a schoolbus) youre basically done all your household chores in 3 hours. Laundry just needs to be thrown in a machine, food can be made in a multicooker, a roomba can vacuum the house. Toilet can be cleaned in 15 min. Modern conveniences make house work far easier than how our parents and grandparents had it. Shopping can be done from home with instacart.
If youre a stay at home wife with a kid in double digit age, this shyt is a breeze. They know that and its one of the reasons that the concept of a stay at home dad draws such ire. They know that a nikka would do all the tasks in less than half the work day and spend his day playing 2k and watching Netflix and potentially cheating