Honestly, rich getting richer.
They get immigrants out and they'll have more of a stronghold than they have ever before.
They're not going to give you the money nor the power when those higher jobs some immigrants occupy are open. They're taking that for themselves.
When you run things, you also write the rules. That's just facts.
The irony though is if immigrants become more rare, they're more likely to "trust" them more when they're looking to give a person of color a job. On some "They've been through a lot while you've been given a golden spoon living in America your whole life." shyt that narrative exists now, how much more when there's less of them?
Short term, whites are going to pull those jobs left open. In the long term immigrants are going to be seen as "more deserving" due to their "perseverance." If anything, now is the right time to grab a job with immigrants being perceived as a threat by selling your patriotism.
I'm confused - who is "they"?
There's no greater supporter of illegal and legal immigrants than the CEOs of major corporations and their billionaire backers. Right behind them are the vast upper-middle class residing in our major cities who enjoy inflated standards of living due to the low price of landscaping, dry cleaning, sit-down restaurants, home remodels and childcare courtesy of legal and illegal immigration.
Jeff Bezos' worst nightmare is that his army of H-1Bs is sent home packing. He'd actually have to try and hire Americans, who will demand higher wages and won't work the punishing hours that H-1Bs will, desperate to acquire that blue passport.
Your local slumlords' worst nightmare is that he's suddenly left with tens of vacant apartments due to the enforcement of our existing immigration laws. He'd actually have to try and attract tenants - which would mean finally getting rid of the black mold working its way up the walls and maybe taking that roach problem seriously.
Immigration is fundamentally a class issue. Owners of capital benefit from it. Most of those who work for a living don't.