Only people who hate Kyrie (and black athletes in general like
@Gil Scott-Heroin) would believe or hope he’s getting blackballed. He’s having the best season of his career, shooting damn near 50-50-90 with no sign of slowing down.
The only people carrying water for the Nets organization are paid off reporters. It was stupid to offer such a deal like that, and it’s proven Joe Tsai is all about his personal feelings instead of creating a winning franchise.
Kevin Durant, one of the most low maintenance superstars in the league, asked for a trade last summer.
They offered Kyrie a guaranteed deal based on if he won a title in his last year. During a time when Kyrie has been carrying the team.
They traded for Ben Simmons, who they somehow allowed to pass a physical with a back problem that needed surgery. There’s a clear ineptitude with Sean Marks and ownership.
They can’t tell me NBA teams are afraid of giving Kyrie max money when they gave a max deal to Chandler Parsons who had a history of injuries

. There have been far more undeserving and riskier players who have gotten fully guaranteed deals.