consider race a hustle all you'd like, how is the concept and application of racial constructs any less real or effective?
You tell me. You're the one who wants to ignore how the concept is enforced as if it doesn't matter. You're the one saying dumb shyt like "I don't care if biracials are classified as black, they're not black.........only AAs are black..........we shouldn't care what whites do" Since you accept that the concept is real because it's applied/enforced then start accepting the reality of what it is.
biracials can't over-represent blacks, if blacks stop having them and accepting them as one of our own.
As long as we rely on whites to determine our representatives then they're always going to choose the lighter skinned blacks over the darker skinned blacks. What part of that don't you get? The rejection of biracials is not going to stop whites from privileging lighter skin over darker skin. The answer to that problem is to stop relying on whites to choose our representation, not to fracture our community based on their racial biases. They want to keep us divided.
the next step? it's already happening. you've already stated that:
You really are a piece of shyt.
I don't acknowledge that because it's not happening. Whites don't make a distinction from biracials and blacks. I said that it would be the next step in a whitening agenda to significantly reduce or breed out the black race here.
That's what I said. Whether that step is in the process of being executed or not, the point is that you're in favor of it. You're down with the whitening agenda.
go along with it? you said we can't challenge white's system because "we have no power." so how are you going to stop it from happening?
I've never said that we can't challenge white's system. Stop arguing with yourself c00n. I said that you can't disregard the racial classifications. You can't say that biracials aren't black just because you don't want them to be black. You don't have the power to stop them from being classified as black. Race a social construct that classified people based on skin color and other ohenotypical traits remember?
stop strawmanning and deflecting. we definitely have a lots of c00ns, and ironically, many of them seem to gravitate towards white women. gee, i wonder if that's a coincidence.
And those c00ns who gravitate towards white women come in all shades. It's not just the biracials. If you let some black women tell it, they'll say darker skinned black men are the most colorstruck and the one's quickest to put white women on a pedastal. That's certainly a belief amongst some black women. I've even heard other black men say the same in reverse regards to darker skinned black women.

this is the guise nikkas will always file it under. in reality, you're just loyal to your dikks options, you could give a fukk less about the community.
This is an ad hominem. Look that shyt up. You're deflecting from my actual argument by attacking me personally. You constantly do this. You don't know shyt about me personally so save the personal attacks. Address my argument instead of deflecting with ad hominems. Explain how you're not being disloyal and disrespectful by denying the blackness of all the biracial that were here before you? How would you explain your position to a biracial slave who was subjected to shyt that you can't even imagine due to the blackness that you deny?
you've acknowledged whites desire to elevate biracial over black on the totem pole. if you want to dumb it down to mere "jealously," it's no more jealously than every other group that doesn't allow outsiders or biracials to participate in their communities.
Whites already elevate lighter skinned blacks over darker skinned blacks. They've always done that and that practice does not begin and end with biracials. How many times must I say that before it seeps into that thickass head of yours?
And stop saying that dumb shyt about other groups not accepting "outsiders" when you've already acknowledged that whites have included and excluded groups from their race due to politics. The Italians, Irish, Jews, ect were all outsiders that whites accepted into their fold.
this is the path you want blacks to head down. you want a bunch of diluted half-breeds running around the community, masquerading as black--while breeding themselves out.
This is the totality of your argument supporting your position. "You don't agree with me because you got a white wife and biracial kids". You literally can't do any better than propping up the same tired straw man argument. The reason that you to resort to that is because there is no intelligent argument to be made for why blacks should start rejecting biracials. That's why you can't name one notable black scholar conscious of racial politics who agrees with your position. Do you honestly think that everyone who doesn't agree with you is someone who secretly wants to be with whites?
Ebony is a white owned company now. If biracials didn't exist they'd simply use 3 lighter skinned blacks the complexion of people like Steph Curry and the problem that you're whining about would still exist.