
May 24, 2012
Tha Land
the one drop rule isn't literally about having one drop of black blood, yanno>? most whites have a percentage of sub saharan african ancestry.
Right it's always been about "how black do you look"

pink unicorns vs racial constructs vs intelligent design, right.
Yup Santa Clause too


May 2, 2012
Exactly. You have a vague ass arbitrary definition of "black" that you can't enforce which doesn't mean a gotdamn thing to anyone but you. We are racially judged based on our looks and there's no way that you can tell if a person meets your bullshyt criteria just by looking at them. You're an idiot.

vague? anyone with predominate african ancestry isn't vague. vague is "anyone whites discriminate against based on visible ancestry." that can literally be anyone, including other white people. hell, whites use to discriminate against italians based on "visible african ancestry," what happened to that?

We already see who's on the right side of history. The first black president is a biracial. The proof that biracials have always been classified black from slacery up until this very day is undeniable. That proves me right and you wrong. The only debate here is whether they SHOULD be classified as black or not. your argument for why they shouldn't be black is nonsensical and incoherent. You just like a insecure reverse colorist c00n who's jealous of lighter skinned blacks. You haven't made a lick of sense.
we've yet to have a black president. which is why this half-white in office has done absolutely nothing for black people. if you think it makes sense to create a group of people who will be used against the black community, i'll be that "insecure reverse colorist c00n." to black people that understand the game that's being played to get us to continue their racial whitening agenda, we know better.


SDW Mindset

Jan 31, 2015
LoL @ people getting trolled by Marcuz and actually engaging his obvious trolling


May 1, 2012
vague? anyone with predominate african ancestry isn't vague.
It's vague because "predominant" can mean different things to different people. Does Tisha Campbell look predominantly black? She doesn't look to be anymore black than Halle Berry does. What about Steph Curry? Does he look predominantly black? He doesn't look anymore black than Boris Kodjoe or Obama. Like I said, you can't look at people and determine if they fit your criteria for black which will lead to confusion.

vague is "anyone whites discriminate against based on visible ancestry." that can literally be anyone, including other white people. hell, whites use to discriminate against italians based on "visible african ancestry," what happened to that?
I said visible African ancestry and that's very specific. Italians were never classified as black. You'll literally say anything.

we've yet to have a black president. which is why this half-white in office has done absolutely nothing for black people.
That's like saying that Clarence Thomas isn't black because he hasn't done anything for blacks in his position. What Obama has or hasn't done for blacks doesn't have anything to do with how he's racially classified. You denying that he's classified as black just to hang on to your state of delusion is why don't get respect and aren't taken seriously.

If whites do decide to execute a true racial whitening agenda in an attempt to breed blacks here out, the first thing that they will do is legitimize a difference between blacks and biracials to divide biracials from the black community. They'll accept those biracials in their community encouraging them to mate with other whites while shaming those who embrace their blackness. That's exactly what they did in places like Australia. You're a fukking idiot.


May 2, 2012
It's vague because "predominant" can mean different things to different people. Does Tisha Campbell look predominantly black? She doesn't look to be anymore black than Halle Berry does. What about Steph Curry? Does he look predominantly black? He doesn't look anymore black than Boris Kodjoe or Obama. Like I said, you can't look at people and determine if they fit your criteria for black which will lead to confusion.

I said visible African ancestry and that's very specific. Italians were never classified as black. You'll literally say anything.

That's like saying that Clarence Thomas isn't black because he hasn't done anything for blacks in his position. What Obama has or hasn't done for blacks doesn't have anything to do with how he's racially classified. You denying that he's classified as black just to hang on to your state of delusion is why don't get respect and aren't taken seriously.

If whites do decide to execute a true racial whitening agenda in an attempt to breed blacks here out, the first thing that they will do is legitimize a difference between blacks and biracials to divide biracials from the black community. They'll accept those biracials in their community encouraging them to mate with other whites while shaming those who embrace their blackness. That's exactly what they did in places like Australia. You're a fukking idiot.

i never said italians were black, but they were excluded from being "white" because of african ancestry. true or false? it doesn't matter if obama is classified as black, he's half-white.

what do you mean IF, the racial whitening agenda is in place. with the help of one drop ruling nikkas, they've got you dudes thinking you're breeding cacs out, when in actuality, you're breeding yourselves out--and integrating your wealth and genetics into their communities in the process. blacks and biracials arealready being encouraged to procreate with whites. which is why BM have the highest rate of marrying outside of the race. are you just oblivious to the media promoted race mixing agenda? i mean, there is a reason why you chose a white woman as your spouse, right?
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May 1, 2012
i never said italians were black, but they were excluded from being "white" because of african ancestry. true or false?
They were excluded from being white because the first Italians who migrated here were mainly from southern Italy and a lot of them were of African ancestry. Some of them actually were looked at or classified as blacks when they first arrived so I've got to correct myself. Over time tho, the whiter northern Italians came over and were allowed to join the white race after they pledged their allegiance to white supremacy. This led to the darker Italians with black heritage being bred out. The darker Italians all mated with lighter Italians or other whites to give their offspring the gift of whiteness. The same thing will happen to us If biracials are recognized as not black. More biracials will become c00ns looking to ingratiate themselves with whites. The darker skinned people still classified as black will become more insecure and colorstruck trying to find a way to jump ship from the black community themselves.

it doesn't matter if obama is classified as black, he's half-white.
Exactly. Reality doesn't matter to you because you live in your own world where you get to make up the rules how you see fit. You said it all in that once sentence.

what do you mean IF, the racial whitening agenda is in place. with the help of one drop ruling nikkas, they've got you dudes thinking you're breeding cacs out, when in actuality, you're breeding yourselves out--and integrating your wealth and genetics into their communities in the process. blacks and biracials arealready being encouraged to procreate with whites. which is why BM have the highest rate of marrying outside of the race. are you just oblivious to the media promoted race mixing agenda? i mean, there is a reason when you chose a white woman as your spouse, right?
You could say that the racial whitening agenda has already begun with the IR thing being pushed on blacks heavily. My point is that the next step in that whitening agenda will be to separate biracials from the black community. There's going to be a push to recognize biracials as being non black which will create another community above blacks on the totem pole. Just look at Brazil. You've got whites controlling shyt with the blacks at the bottom. In the middle you've got a mixed population that is used as a buffer between the whites and blacks. The whites keep the mixed people content by privileging them over the darker skinned blacks and that's how the system of white supremacy is maintained. If the people classified as mixed and black came together they could challenge and overthrow the whites and their system of racial oppression. You just don't get it. You're working for the other team.


May 2, 2012
They were excluded from being white because the first Italians who migrated here were mainly from southern Italy and a lot of them were of African ancestry. Some of them actually were looked at or classified as blacks when they first arrived so I've got to correct myself. Over time tho, the whiter northern Italians came over and were allowed to join the white race after they pledged their allegiance to white supremacy.
so what you're saying is, they bred their way into white supremacy :ohhh: where else have i heard this concept.

The same thing will happen to us If biracials are recognized as not black. More biracials will become c00ns looking to ingratiate themselves with whites. The darker skinned people still classified as black will become more insecure and colorstruck trying to find a way to jump ship from the black community themselves.

why do you think a racial classification will stop that from happening :dead: they'll become "more c00ns"? :dead: just face it, you're clinging to the hope that whites stay as racist now as they were in the past. it's going to happen. white men aren't raping BW and dumping their b*stards off in our community anymore. you're dealing with relationships and marriages, where both families are directly involved in their childrens lives. there will be a shift, those making a distinction, will withstand the racial whitening agenda.

Exactly. Reality doesn't matter to you because you live in your own world where you get to make up the rules how you see fit. You said it all in that once sentence.

so wait, when biracials are properly classified,. will i still be living in my own world? or are you just waiting for whites to change the classification?

You could say that the racial whitening agenda has already begun with the IR thing being pushed on blacks heavily. My point is that the next step in that whitening agenda will be to separate biracials from the black community. There's going to be a push to recognize biracials as being non black which will create another community above blacks on the totem pole. Just look at Brazil. You've got whites controlling shyt with the blacks at the bottom. In the middle you've got a mixed population that is used as a buffer between the whites and blacks. The whites keep the mixed people content by privileging them over the darker skinned blacks and that's how the system of white supremacy is maintained. If the people classified as mixed and black came together they could challenge and overthrow the whites and their system of racial oppression. You just don't get it. You're working for the other team.

that totem pole already exist, dikkhead :what: only difference is they're doing it under the umbrella of blackness. if you can already acknowledge they're separating biracial from black, while elevating biracial above black--why are you too stupid to realize we should cut the problem at the source? identify biracials as a weapon being used against the black community. stop cosigning biracials being promoted as blacks, stop cosigning biracials receiving opportunities allocated for blacks. you don't have to worry about biracials being above blacks on the totem pole, if you stop fukking having them.
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May 1, 2012
so what you're saying is, they bred their way into white supremacy :ohhh: where else have i heard this concept.

why do you think a racial classification will stop that from happening :dead: they'll become "more c00ns"? :dead: just face it, you're clinging to the hope that whites stay as racist now as they were in the past. it's going to happen. white men aren't raping BW and dumping their b*stards off in our community anymore. you're dealing with relationships and marriages, where both families are directly involved in their childrens lives. there will be a shift, those making a distinction, will withstand the racial whitening agenda.
The fukk are you babbling about here? :heh: at this incoherent bullshyt.

so wait, when biracials are properly classified,. will i still be living in my own world? or are you just waiting for whites to change the classification?
Race is a made up concept. If whites do change the classifications then it will be to their benefit as they've done in the past and that's what I was explaining to your stupid ass. Race is a hustle and that's how it should be looked at. :snoop: at "properly classified".

that totem pole already exist, dikkhead :what: only difference is they're doing it under the umbrella of blackness.
So how does your "we should just kick biracials out of the race" bullshyt challenge whites privileging lighter skinned blacks over darker skinned blacks? How does blacks rejecting biracials prevent whites from privileging them?

if you can already acknowledge they're separating biracial from black, while elevating biracial above black--why are you too stupid to realize we should cut the problem at the source?
I don't acknowledge that because it's not happening. Whites don't make a distinction from biracials and blacks. I said that it would be the next step in a whitening agenda to significantly reduce or breed out the black race here. Why the fukk would I go along with that agenda? You're the c00n, that's why you go along with it. Rejecting biracials doesn't "cut the problem at the source". The problem is white supremacy and the rejection of biracials from the black community would only perpetuate or strengthen white supremacy. It would certainly fracture the black community beyond repair.

identify biracials as a weapon being used against the black community.
Blacks of all shades who have sold out to work to maintain the status quo are used as weapons against their own community. Those blacks don't begin and end with biracials. That's the point that your stupid ass doesn't get.

stop cosigning biracials being promoted as blacks
No, because I'm not a disloyal treasonous c00n like you are. What you're saying spits on the grave of all of our biracial descendants who suffered through things that are hard to even imagine solely due to the blackness that you're denying:francis: The sad part is that you play purity politics as someone who's not even pure yourself. You're mindblowingly stupid.

stop cosigning biracials receiving opportunities allocated for blacks.
Here's another sentence that just about says it all about you. You're just a real insecure bytchmade person. You're jealous of biracials because you think they're taking the white man crumbs that you feel are "allocated" for you. "Those opportunities that massa set is sposed to be for me:to:" The name of the game should be black empowerment where we make our own opportunities for each other.

:scusthov: fukking c00n.


May 2, 2012
Race is a made up concept. If whites do change the classifications then it will be to their benefit as they've done in the past and that's what I was explaining to your stupid ass. Race is a hustle and that's how it should be looked at. :snoop: at "properly classified".

consider race a hustle all you'd like, how is the concept and application of racial constructs any less real or effective?

So how does your "we should just kick biracials out of the race" bullshyt challenge whites privileging lighter skinned blacks over darker skinned blacks? How does blacks rejecting biracials prevent whites from privileging them?

biracials can't over-represent blacks, if blacks stop having them and accepting them as one of our own.

I don't acknowledge that because it's not happening. Whites don't make a distinction from biracials and blacks. I said that it would be the next step in a whitening agenda to significantly reduce or breed out the black race here. Why the fukk would I go along with that agenda? You're the c00n, that's why you go along with it. Rejecting biracials doesn't "cut the problem at the source". The problem is white supremacy and the rejection of biracials from the black community would only perpetuate or strengthen white supremacy. It would certainly fracture the black community beyond repair.

the next step? it's already happening. you've already stated that:

There's going to be a push to recognize biracials as being non black which will create another community above blacks on the totem pole.

you want to believe whites will just begin to elevate biracials over blacks immediately after reclassification? :laugh: i don't even think you believe that shyt. why would white people continue to dump off biracials in the black community, when SOCIALLY, they're apart of white families and communities--and PHYSICALLY, they look closer to europeans.

You're the c00n, that's why you go along with it. Rejecting biracials doesn't "cut the problem at the source". The problem is white supremacy and the rejection of biracials from the black community would only perpetuate or strengthen white supremacy. It would certainly fracture the black community beyond repair.

go along with it? you said we can't challenge white's system because "we have no power." so how are you going to stop it from happening? if the problem is white supremacy, shouldn't you stop creating the tools white supremacist are utilizing against you? also, how are you going to fight white supremacy by procreating into it?

Blacks of all shades who have sold out to work to maintain the status quo are used as weapons against their own community. Those blacks don't begin and end with biracials. That's the point that your stupid ass doesn't get.

stop strawmanning and deflecting. we definitely have a lots of c00ns, and ironically, many of them seem to gravitate towards white women. gee, i wonder if that's a coincidence.

No, because I'm not a disloyal treasonous c00n like you are. What you're saying spits on the grave of all of our biracial descendants who suffered through things that are hard to even imagine solely due to the blackness that you're denying:francis: The sad part is that you play purity politics as someone who's not even pure yourself. You're mindblowingly stupid.

loyality :laugh: this is the guise nikkas will always file it under. in reality, you're just loyal to your dikks options, you could give a fukk less about the community.

Here's another sentence that just about says it all about you. You're just a real insecure bytchmade person. You're jealous of biracials because you think they're taking the white man crumbs that you feel are "allocated" for you. "Those opportunities that massa set is sposed to be for me:to:" The name of the game should be black empowerment where we make our own opportunities for each other.

:scusthov: fukking c00n.
you've acknowledged whites desire to elevate biracial over black on the totem pole. if you want to dumb it down to mere "jealously," it's no more jealously than every other group that doesn't allow outsiders or biracials to participate in their communities.



this is the path you want blacks to head down. you want a bunch of diluted half-breeds running around the community, masquerading as black--while breeding themselves out.