tribalism based on ethnicity, culture, religion, and YES, phenotype is NOT the white mans concept.
You can try and act cute all you want to. The concept of race was created by whites. People classified as blacks weren't calling themselves blacks until the white man told them to.
do your research. historically, albinos faced persecution and were cast out of african tribes.
The fukk does this even have to do with the fact that Africans didn't call themselves "blacks" until whites did?
i want to preserve the genetics that our ancestors literally slaved over to create. (which you nikkas want to willfully dilute) i want to preserve most aspects of AA culture. also, so what if biracials have been historically lumped into the fold? thist aint 100-500 yrs ago. white men aint raping black women and dumping their half-demons into the community anymore. so why are you fighting so hard for it?
Those pure African genes that the ancestors came over here with have already been diluted. You know that the average admixture for AAs is at least 20%. The ironic thing tho, is that you don't even feel kinship with those blacks in Africa who are still genetically pure proving that you're completely full of shyt. You don't even consider Africans part of the "black" tribe either.
You talk about preserving AA culture while dismissing the fact that biracials have always been part of the community which has created the culture.
You say who cares that biracials have always been lumped into the black race dismissing the fact that means that they're our direct descendants.
you also act like you get to bring bi-racials into the community independent of their non-black parent, who helped create them. you may want white women, white men, asian women, etc. putting their 2 cents into the community, but i dont. black mother + black father = black child. simple as that.
The black community is made up of people classified as black. It's not about bringing anyone in or kicking anyone out because we don't have the power to do either. You draw a line that you don't have the power to enforce which means that it's meaningless. You keep saying "black father +black mother=black" but you reject the definition of what black is. You can't even articulate an alternate definition of black to support your argument that the current definition should be altered. You're just talking with no regards to if you make sense or not.
still waiting
@Gravity. why don't you like to discuss where your mentality leads? black man thinks he can create black children with white women. biracial children thinks he can create black children with white women. now you've got a cac who wont even acknowledge african ancestry.

'You dumb the issue down to this and trolling every time. I'm starting to think that you're mentally handicapped. You'ce probably posted this same pic asking the same dumbass question 10 times. Next Paula Patton's son if you haven't already done so by the time I post this
Ima tell your stupid ass like I've told you the other ten times. Black is defined as those who are visibly of African descent. You can find 20 pics of white people who have black heritage that isn't visible in their appearance and it won't refute that definition. Racial classifications don't have a gotdamn thing to do with what a black man thinks he can create. You're a fukking idiot.