BREAKING: N. Korea says it has final approval for nuclear attack on U.S.

So UnThotful

May 1, 2012


May 28, 2012
NK is not gonna attack anyone... This is most likely a power move made by fat boy and his advisors to keep nk's population afraid and united under his new regime...

China would nuke NK first themselves before touchin' us... They all might look the same to us but the chinese only care about themselves... We're too tied up in our economic links to even think about war. And Russia can't even govern itself let alone think about goin' to war with us over fukkin' NK...

I personally think this is all a smokescreen for the consolidation of fat boy as the leader of NK.


Mar 2, 2013
I think ppl in this thread forget that we spend more on our military than the next 16 countries combined. However, NK would not be a walk in the part but we would annihilate them. North Korean missles are not the most serious North Korean military threat to Guam. The real, and credible, threat is a couple of fake tuna fishing boats or small cargo ships sent out from NK equipped with artillery pieces and persistent nerve gas chemical shells. Both of these weapons NK has in abundance.

But Kim is known for hyperbole and some bluff...and to save face Kim will attack...after the US-ROK military exercises are over in late April. It is most likely to be a provocative,small, but sensational attack, not a full-blown invasion attempt. He could try to assassinate Pres. Park as his predecessor tried, before his special forces were killed near South Korea's "Blue House" (their equivalent of our White House). He could try shelling the Western Islands again, but that's a bit predictable. He could try to infiltrate terrorists into the US or Hawaii and attack military facilities without a finger directly pointing at Kim, other than the dead terrorists would be unidentified Koreans. He could infiltrate South Korea via his large special forces via mini-subs as North Korea has done in the past and have them rampage around the countryside for awhile until taken out. He could kidnap all the South Korean nationals at the Kaesong industrial complex and hold them for ransom for food and monetary aid, etc., trumping up espionage charges against them. He could fire off a few artillery rounds from the DMZ at Seoul. There's lots of mischief for little fat boy to get into short of an invasion attempt.

I personally think this is all a smokescreen for the consolidation of fat boy as the leader of NK.

Exactly, and then you have to think about the population. Brainwashed people do not "defect". They will stay in their own country and follow what they think is the right path. You must remember that these people only have the NK media to listen to and to watch. For all they know the US and other countries ARE bullies and ARE threatening NK. They simply do not know how bad they have it. If their leader is taken out there are dozens of generals and other hopefuls that will work to take his place. Very little will change. These people (NK's) have been indoctrinated for decades. "Defect" is not in their vocabulary.

What is particularly worrisome in this situation is that Kim Jong Un isn't getting any respect world wide. He makes threats, and pretty much everyone is a little annoyed, but not nearly as fearful as he would like everyone to be. He is a frustrated little boy because he's not being let into the big boy club of international leadership. He is increasingly desperate to show what a great leader he is. His population isn't hearing any of the disrespect, since their news is filtered, but his leadership, the generals and other high-level government officials, are aware that he isn't getting any recognition. This erodes his power base within his own country. These threats and blustering are not for the outside world. It's to show his comrades how strong he is. If something isn't done soon, it is very likely he will execute a first strike at South Korea or Japan. If that strike is not successful (it won't be), watch for him to be deposed and replaced by another despot.


May 28, 2012
I think ppl in this thread forget that we spend more on our military than the next 16 countries combined. However, NK would not be a walk in the part but we would annihilate them. North Korean missles are not the most serious North Korean military threat to Guam. The real, and credible, threat is a couple of fake tuna fishing boats or small cargo ships sent out from NK equipped with artillery pieces and persistent nerve gas chemical shells. Both of these weapons NK has in abundance.

But Kim is known for hyperbole and some bluff...and to save face Kim will attack...after the US-ROK military exercises are over in late April. It is most likely to be a provocative,small, but sensational attack, not a full-blown invasion attempt. He could try to assassinate Pres. Park as his predecessor tried, before his special forces were killed near South Korea's "Blue House" (their equivalent of our White House). He could try shelling the Western Islands again, but that's a bit predictable. He could try to infiltrate terrorists into the US or Hawaii and attack military facilities without a finger directly pointing at Kim, other than the dead terrorists would be unidentified Koreans. He could infiltrate South Korea via his large special forces via mini-subs as North Korea has done in the past and have them rampage around the countryside for awhile until taken out. He could kidnap all the South Korean nationals at the Kaesong industrial complex and hold them for ransom for food and monetary aid, etc., trumping up espionage charges against them. He could fire off a few artillery rounds from the DMZ at Seoul. There's lots of mischief for little fat boy to get into short of an invasion attempt.

Exactly, and then you have to think about the population. Brainwashed people do not "defect". They will stay in their own country and follow what they think is the right path. You must remember that these people only have the NK media to listen to and to watch. For all they know the US and other countries ARE bullies and ARE threatening NK. They simply do not know how bad they have it. If their leader is taken out there are dozens of generals and other hopefuls that will work to take his place. Very little will change. These people (NK's) have been indoctrinated for decades. "Defect" is not in their vocabulary.

What is particularly worrisome in this situation is that Kim Jong Un isn't getting any respect world wide. He makes threats, and pretty much everyone is a little annoyed, but not nearly as fearful as he would like everyone to be. He is a frustrated little boy because he's not being let into the big boy club of international leadership. He is increasingly desperate to show what a great leader he is. His population isn't hearing any of the disrespect, since their news is filtered, but his leadership, the generals and other high-level government officials, are aware that he isn't getting any recognition. This erodes his power base within his own country. These threats and blustering are not for the outside world. It's to show his comrades how strong he is. If something isn't done soon, it is very likely he will execute a first strike at South Korea or Japan. If that strike is not successful (it won't be), watch for him to be deposed and replaced by another despot.

I really don't believe NK is attackin' anyone... It would be the end of the elite's long run in power and they might be tyrants but they not stupid.