This is why I say nothing can be done until you have racial pride which builds self esteem. This is exactly how I will start my kids off. How can you realize something when there is no awareness. Pride in oneself and people is esteem. Esteem in oneself helps you help others as well as others look at themselves and their people in a positive light. Which reinforces healthy relationships amongst each other.
That's not to say shadiness and deception won't happen with racial pride. But, the positive far outweighs the negative.
You are exactly right and I understand this myself. My own perceptive on this subject didn't start changing until my own racial pride increases. Once I started studying past history, I started becoming PROUD of being black. There's a huge difference between simply knowing you're black and being PROUD of being black.
Once I started studying past history and gaining racial pride, the way I viewed everything started changing, including hip-hop. I've listened to rap my entire life but now hearing "kill a n1kka", "shoot a n1kka" raps is cringeworthy to me.
On top of that, I know for a fact that the prison industrial complex has ties to the rap industry:
There is a specific reason 90% of mainstream rap glorifies a "backwards" mentality. Its done purposely.
Everyone in this thread mad has little to no racial pride. They are simple AWARE they are black, not actually proud as a result of gaining knowledge of self.
I would say the vast majority of black people are simply AWARE that they are black. Not PROUD.