BREAKING: Donald Trump Announces Plan 2 Remove Clinton Era Criminal Justice Laws That Hurt Black Men


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
On another note, why do we act like the opiod crisis only affects white people? I know in Milwaukee a lot of the black youth abuse Perc's, Vicodin's, cocaine is sometimes cut with buprenorphine, and heroin use is on the rise for many who cannot afford the pills anymore or they dont give them a high anymore so they go to cheap heroin. A lot of black people are getting addicted in the inner cities and it just seems in the sense of attention they are being ignored.

I imagine other large cities with large centers of poverty are experiencing the same thing as Milwaukee. I wish they came up with a true rehab for addicts instead of jail sentences. I got like 10 cousins who abuse opioids.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
Liberal = I am okay with Black people or I AM Black

Conservative = I am not okay with Black people

So what in the fukc are you talking about?

Being Black either makes you a liberal automatically or you go to a couple of Trump rallies first and get socked in the fukcing face, then you figure it out

Are you from or in London? What the fukc y'all smoke over there that makes you confused about such things

“Liberal - I’m ok with black people”

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
On another note, why do we act like the opiod crisis only affects white people? I know in Milwaukee a lot of the black youth abuse Perc's, Vicodin's, cocaine is sometimes cut with buprenorphine, and heroin use is on the rise for many who cannot afford the pills anymore or they dont give them a high anymore so they go to cheap heroin. A lot of black people are getting addicted in the inner cities and it just seems in the sense of attention they are being ignored.

I imagine other large cities with large centers of poverty are experiencing the same thing as Milwaukee. I wish they came up with a true rehab for addicts instead of jail sentences. I got like 10 cousins who abuse opioids.
I dont think people are pretending it only affects whites just that it is hitting them disproportionately like crack hit the black community.


May 21, 2012
1) Democrats controlled the white house and the senate from Jan 2009 - December 2010
111th United States Congress - Wikipedia

that's plenty of time to have done this - and again, who the fukk was gonna go against anything Barack endorsed at ANY point in his presidency without backlash and damaging their political career?

I’m going to keep posting this until you acknowledge that you’re a fukking dumbass

You have been checked on this lie time and time again in multiple threads but you KEEP repeating it. Obama only had control of congress for a mere four months during which they got the ACA passed which expanded Medicaid for millions of disadvantaged black people and others. Stop spreading this lie that Obama had 2 years to do whatever he wanted you MAGA fukk boy.

When Obama Had "Total Control of Congress"

Lies are easy to get away with if they are repeated often enough and given voice by many different people. Repeat a lie often enough and that lie often becomes conventional wisdom. Repeating a lie doesn’t change the lie into the truth, it changes the people hearing the repeated lie. They begin to accept the lie as truth. One huge example: ‘Iraq has WMD.’

Lies make it impossible for people to communicate with each other......lies make it impossible to, as the Villagers often talk about it, have a real “conversation.”

One particular lie, often stated by right-of-center advocates, is the statement....“if Barack Obama wanted to increase taxes on the rich, stop the wars, pass a budget...blah, blah.....he could have chosen to do so because he had “total control” of the House and Senate for two full years.”

Sometimes the “two full years” is omitted from the statement......but the lie is spread nevertheless, by the “total control of Congress” phrase.

Let’s clear that all up, shall we?

Starting January 2009, at the beginning of the 111th Congress, in the month that Barack Obama was inaugurated president, the House of Representatives was made up of 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans. There is no question that Democrats had total control in the House from 2009-2011.

Even with numerous “blue-dog” (allegedly fiscally conservative) Democrats often voting with Republicans.....Speaker Pelosi had little difficulty passing legislation in the House. The House does not have the pernicious filibuster rule which the Senate uses. A majority vote in the House is all that’s necessary to pass legislation, except in rare occurrences (treaty ratification, overriding a presidential veto).

Okay, that’s the House during the first two years of Barack Obama’s presidency. For a lie to prosper, as it were, there needs to be a shred of truth woven inside the lie. It is absolutely true that from 2009-2011, Democrats and President Obama had “total control” of the House of Representatives.

But legislation does not become law without the Senate.

The Senate operates with the 60-vote-requirement filibuster rule. There are 100 Senate seats, and it takes 60 Senate votes for “closure” on a piece of bring that piece of legislation to the floor of the Senate for amendments and a final vote....that final vote is decided by a simple majority in most cases. But it takes 60 Senate votes to even have a chance of being voted upon.

“Total control”, then, of the Senate requires 60 Democratic or Republican Senators.

On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats.

The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.)

The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats.

An was during this time that Obama’s “stimulus” was passed. No Republicans in the House voted for the stimulus. However, in the Senate.....and because Democrats didn’t have “total control” of that chamber.....three Republicans.....Snowe, Collins and Specter, voted to break a filibuster guaranteeing it’s passage.

Then in April, 2009, Republican Senator Arlen Specter became a Democrat. Kennedy was still at home, dying, and Al Franken was still not seated. Score in April, 2009....Democratic votes 58.

In May, 2009, Robert Byrd got sick and did not return to the Senate until July 21, 2009. Even though Franken was finally seated July 7, 2009 and Byrd returned on July 21.....Democrats still only had 59 votes in the Senate because Kennedy never returned, dying on August 25, 2009.

Kennedy’s empty seat was temporarily filled by Paul Kirk but not until September 24, 2009.

The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate. “Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy’s Massachusetts seat.

The this: Democrats had “total control” of the House of Representatives from 2009-2011, 2 full years. Democrats, and therefore, Obama, had “total control” of the Senate from September 24, 2009 until February 4, 2010. A grand total of 4 months.

Did President Obama have “total control” of Congress? Yes, for 4 entire months. And it was during that very small time window that Obamacare was passed in the Senate with 60 all-Democratic votes.

Did President Obama have “total control’ of Congress during his first two years as president? Absolutely not and any assertions to the you can plainly see in the above a lie.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
No, not similar bills, much BETTER bills. Did you read the post I already made on the flaws in the bill? It's uncertain whether it would even be a net positive for Black people due to the precedent it sets. Civil rights groups were already opposing this bill back in May when it was just a bipartisan compromise, before Trump had even come down in support of it.

Bullshyt. Democrats only had filibuster-proof control of the Senate for a few months, and that was eight years ago. But he DID get passed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, reducing the crack cocaine sentencing disparity and eliminating the mandatory minimum for possession. That was the sort of light legislation that could fly back then.

You forget that back when Obama became president, sentencing reform was a complete no-go for moderates. Even liberal California had pushed harsh sentencing guidelines. There were a lot of democrats and a handful of libertarians who talked about it, but they were nowhere near the numbers needed to pass something serious. The national movement for sentencing reform didn't begin until about 2013, which was when Holder's DOJ first started the Smart on Crime initiative which did things like increase compassionate release and move funding away from prisons. Obama appointed a commission on the issue as well as making a major speech on the need for sentencing reform. He then followed that up by commuting the sentences of over 1000 federal prisoners and directing his AG's to seek the lightest sentence possible in nonviolent drug cases. Under Holder the # of people convicted under drug mandatory minimums dropped over 20%. Solitary confinement was banned for juveniles. He also dried up funding for police militarization and banned the box on federal employment applications that asked if you had been convicted of a crime.

There's something called the "Overton Window" on any issue, which is the degree to which an issue is acceptable in the mainstream at any point in time. Major sentencing reform wasn't acceptable by anyone other than liberal democrats and libertarians in 2009. It wasn't until after 2013 that the Overton Window arrived, and too many conservatives kept blocking meaningful reform since then.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
1) Democrats controlled the white house and the senate from Jan 2009 - December 2010
111th United States Congress - Wikipedia

that's plenty of time to have done this - and again, who the fukk was gonna go against anything Barack endorsed at ANY point in his presidency without backlash and damaging their political career?

Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate for a couple of days. Having the majority in the Senate meant nothing then because the republicans put a blanket filibuster on every piece of legislation that arrived from the House. Remember that Al Franken won his race but did not get seated until 7 months later because republicans had the seat tied up in a law suit. The senator from WV got sick and was in a hospital on his death bed and on top of that Ted Kennedy died and was replaced by a republican.

Saying Obama had a year or two of a completely Democrat controlled congress is a right wing talking point that is 100% bullshyt.

2) trump just reduced bill clintons 3 strikes law from a life sentence to 25 years
this is an issue that i've heard COUNTLESS black leaders and activists complain about, now TRUMP is gonna get credit for it

You probably a youngin so you dont remember this but the same "black leaders" that called for changing the bill are the same "black leaders" that were begging for it back in the early 90s when crime was rampant on the west coast. People have pushed this bill as something Clinton just put in place on his own to punish black people when we were the main ones pushing for it hoping it would keep gang bangers off the street. Black folks damn near had a parade in LA when that shyt first passed.

the truth of the matter is a lot of you dudes are terrified and afraid of looking like sellouts to look at your leaders and ask them how the fukk they let this happen

nobodys saying support trump, but the apathetic attitudes DEMOCRATS have had for black people bit them in the ass here :francis:



God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
saving white people during the opioid crisis.

edit: and white people are committing more and more mass shootings and random other violent shyt, so they need to roll back some of these laws to help these violent fukks stay out of prison.

crack era/war on drugs=prison
opioid crisis=rehab/criminal reform/legalizing weed


Some of you are simple minded as fukc

Trump is full of shyt

If your dumb ass is sitting there thinking he wants anything for Black people besides death, then you're totally wrong and backwards

Even if he DOES do any of this, it's not for your benefit

I can't believe he can do little shyt like say a few sentences and you have niqqas all on board

All facts :wow:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014

1) Half the people you talk to about Obama’s first two years bring up “blue dog democrats” the other half say what you did - the truth is that for 2 years democrats ran DC. Period. And they got a lot done, just nothing substantial :manny:

2) Like with many things in life, hindsight is 20/20, but I know that his 3 strikes law has been criticized for years - like you said, initially it was probably seen as a solution but that couldn’t have lasted long


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
Stop hyping up Donald Trump for shyt he "plans" to do.

Remember when he said he planned to give $2 billion to HBCUs?
Trump signs executive order on HBCUs, says schools will be priority in his White House

Then what happened?
Donald Trump’s budget proposal hits HBCUs hard United Negro College Fund says promises would be ‘unfulfilled’
"When Donald Trump released his budget proposal Thursday, it sent chills down the spines of people working in all sorts of different industries. Science, art, food, you name it. But there’s another field that would be adversely affected by the plan: historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). In short, Trump pulled a full-blown okey doke on all those college presidents who decided to show up to his office for a photo-op."

How fukking shocking!

He just says this shyt and never comes through. If he actually enacts it and it has positive effects, then you can make your thread, until then he's the same racist fascist who told a room full of police officers to use more force and beat up criminals.

He planned to get mexico to pay for a wall too looll


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
1) Half the people you talk to about Obama’s first two years bring up “blue dog democrats” the other half say what you did - the truth is that for 2 years democrats ran DC. Period. And they got a lot done, just nothing substantial :manny:

2) Like with many things in life, hindsight is 20/20, but I know that his 3 strikes law has been criticized for years - like you said, initially it was probably seen as a solution but that couldn’t have lasted long

The things that people say they should have gotten done are exactly the things they would need a filibuster proof majority in the Senate to get passed. Which they did not have for the two year span people keep harping on. If you gonna demand people tell the truth you cant frame the discussion around a half truth as you are attempting to do. How could the democrats run DC if they needed republican approval to get anything done in the Senate? If you gotta ask someone for permission to do something doesn't sound like you run anything.


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
Kanye got clowned for talking to trump about prison reform tho :sas2::sas1:


May 21, 2012
The things that people say they should have gotten done are exactly the things they would need a filibuster proof majority in the Senate to get passed. Which they did not have for the two year span people keep harping on. If you gonna demand people tell the truth you cant frame the discussion around a half truth as you are attempting to do. How could the democrats run DC if they needed republican approval to get anything done in the Senate? If you gotta ask someone for permission to do something doesn't sound like you run anything.

This dude @Booker T Garvey needs to work for Fox News

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
The things that people say they should have gotten done are exactly the things they would need a filibuster proof majority in the Senate to get passed. Which they did not have for the two year span people keep harping on. If you gonna demand people tell the truth you cant frame the discussion around a half truth as you are attempting to do. How could the democrats run DC if they needed republican approval to get anything done in the Senate? If you gotta ask someone for permission to do something doesn't sound like you run anything.

Again, many blame blue dog democrats for a lot of Obama’s inability to do much too in those two years:
Opinion | Boot the Blue Dog Democrats

You’re still ignoring the fact that he still got a lot done bruh - including “don’t ask don’t tell” and Obamacare which republicans hated

You all just don’t want to admit he had no interest in the AADOS community’s issues whatsoever