Breaking Bad


Rasta in Babylon
May 1, 2012
Florida / Bahamas
Yup spoilers

Walt wife... giving money to a next nikka and Walt :to:
Even the Cartel wanted Jesse to be the product maker, and was gonna off lame irrational Walt
Walter is a straight p*ssy IMO... he NEEDS Jesse


Black Ball

May 1, 2012
The Mighty LBC
Yup spoilers

Walt wife... giving money to a next nikka and Walt :to:
Even the Cartel wanted Jesse to be the product maker, and was gonna off lame irrational Walt
Walter is a straight p*ssy IMO... he NEEDS Jesse


The Cartel didn't want or give a shyt about Jessie. Gus picked Jessie. The Cartel just wanted the recipe.

What makes Walt irrational, especially if you going to compare him to Jessie. Jessie is irrational, Walt is mad pragmatic.

What makes Walt a p*ssy? He does what needs doing.

Lol @ Jessie being the more important of the 2. You kidding b?


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
:huhldup: at this Walt and Jesse shyt....spoilers for seasons 1-4 below.

Is this the Twilight Zone? Gus wanted nothing to do with Jesse up until season 4, and even then it was just a chess move. Jesse would not even exist in the dope game without Walt, who co-signed him to Gus in the first place.

Speaking of Walt and Gus, the only reason they were beefing is because of Jesse, who went to murk those two dealers in season 3.....and he would've died had Walt not showed up and saved his dumb ass.

:heh: at Walt being p*ssy....he's damn near a sociopath with how casually he murks people.



52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
FreedS[ohh]lave;540750 said:
I still think its a little less evil when your desperate and trying to help your family in some way..

Plus there were numerous times where he wanted out of the drug game but got amazing offers he couldnt refuse..he did try to get out a lot..
Walt is evil. its like Jesus is the excuse for the commercial consumerism that is Christmas. Its an economic holiday that people tied religion to as an excuse for.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012

First off the show is 100% unrealistic.

The problem is, none of the shyt you're complaining about is.

"Cartels don't work like that?". Huh? Cartels have thousands of most, we've seen 20ish killed. There is still a ton of people out there.

And the cartels never had "a billion dollar meth operation". The only reason they got into meth was because of Gus....who hired Gale....and he said they should hire Walt, whose product was better. That wasn't his first wasn't even the first season.

Cooking meth takes zero "street knowledge". It's literally 100% chemistry. The show is 100% accurate in that respect, and actually uses DEA chemists to fact-check all of that. All the scenes you see them making meth in the super lab, are 100% factually correct for 99% pure....they actually air the process out of order so real life drug dealers don't get any ideas. You can Google any of the shyt I just said if you don't believe me.

at acting like it's a fluke that Walt's shyt is better than anyone elses. He's a brilliant chemist, that's literally all it would take to make the product he does.

The rest of your complaints are kinda dumb because if he died in the first season there is no show. And if you're gonna complain about the explosion in Tuco's crib, go all the way with it. Mercury Fulminate is actually far more unstable than they showed, and he wouldn't have been able to carry it in his car, or handle it without it exploding, most likely at all.

But if we're gonna go this route and nit-pick what's real, you might as well stop watching TV.

Look breh I enjoy the show and I get that you go hard for the show but that doesnt change the fact that they are trying to present a realistic insight into drugs,murders,cartels with a alarming level of :what: + :duck:.

First cartels do not and I repeat do not work like that they are very family oriented and a very small bunch run the operation. So all that "they might be able go over seas to the factory that supplied the equipment" is bullshlt. They were the money in mexico point blank thinking otherwise is really silly if your being realistic. Now moving on to the next shyt

They didnt have a billion dollar operation???!!! :what: sooooooo....
you saying that there wasnt a flashback scene of this?Maximino Arciniega (played by James Martinez) was Gus' business partner. Gus paid for Max's education in biochemistry and chemical engineering, at the University of Santiago in Chile. When the pair moved to Mexico and opened up a chain of Los Pollos Hermanos chicken restaurants together, Max was the chemist – he cooked the crystal meth, samples of which he and Gus started giving away. These samples gained the attention of Don Eladio, a local drug lord, whom Max and Gus had approached in the hopes of convincing the Don to join them in the meth business. Don Eladio, unimpressed by these upstarts and nominally dismissive of selling methampethamine in lieu of cocaine, had Hector kill Max on the patio of his mansion as Juan Bolsa watched.

You really think all them years went by without the cartels getting money off gus operations?, letting him have territory, having meetings and shyt, calling off hits ect. come on breh you cant be that naive :heh: They been selling meth they just wanted walters formula and realistically they would have just killed that mutha fukker for it. like come on breh do you even follow any real life news of what goes down in mexico shyt is vicious Walters of the world wouldnt have made no paper just been happy to been alive.

Secondly walter having the best meth on his first run is BULLshyt I mean how old are you breh what common sense gene do you lack to make you belive the same walter "too rusty" to take a job with his ex girl and peers. Would just know they process to a tee? seriously breh? 99.9% purity first go :what: no trial no practice. no manual. I mean breh :upsetfavre: think about that shyt. Have you ever had a biology lab? heard of experiments, hypothesis, ect

Im not really going to go into anymore of how my complaints are kinda of dumb with a dude whos basically agreeing with my dumb points " First off the show is 100% unrealistic." I think thats what I meant by :duck: status

My whole complaint is that on a first watch through the average watcher gets caught up on all the cliffhangers. Hell they start and end every single show that way. The whole against all odd type character, geek turned king pin ect... but like I said second watch through to catch up and refresh I had a lot of :what: face going on after about the first season. The show could have been even better if they kept to the integrity of that lifestyle with the same concept. So drop the palm palms breh


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Walt needs to grow some balls and kill Jessie. You can't turn a small thinking junkie into a player in big business.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Look breh I enjoy the show and I get that you go hard for the show but that doesnt change the fact that they are trying to present a realistic insight into drugs,murders,cartels with a alarming level of :what: + :duck:.

First cartels do not and I repeat do not work like that they are very family oriented and a very small bunch run the operation. So all that "they might be able go over seas to the factory that supplied the equipment" is bullshlt. They were the money in mexico point blank thinking otherwise is really silly if your being realistic. Now moving on to the next shyt

They didnt have a billion dollar operation???!!! :what: sooooooo....
you saying that there wasnt a flashback scene of this?Maximino Arciniega (played by James Martinez) was Gus' business partner. Gus paid for Max's education in biochemistry and chemical engineering, at the University of Santiago in Chile. When the pair moved to Mexico and opened up a chain of Los Pollos Hermanos chicken restaurants together, Max was the chemist – he cooked the crystal meth, samples of which he and Gus started giving away. These samples gained the attention of Don Eladio, a local drug lord, whom Max and Gus had approached in the hopes of convincing the Don to join them in the meth business. Don Eladio, unimpressed by these upstarts and nominally dismissive of selling methampethamine in lieu of cocaine, had Hector kill Max on the patio of his mansion as Juan Bolsa watched.

You really think all them years went by without the cartels getting money off gus operations?, letting him have territory, having meetings and shyt, calling off hits ect. come on breh you cant be that naive :heh: They been selling meth they just wanted walters formula and realistically they would have just killed that mutha fukker for it. like come on breh do you even follow any real life news of what goes down in mexico shyt is vicious Walters of the world wouldnt have made no paper just been happy to been alive.

Secondly walter having the best meth on his first run is BULLshyt I mean how old are you breh what common sense gene do you lack to make you belive the same walter "too rusty" to take a job with his ex girl and peers. Would just know they process to a tee? seriously breh? 99.9% purity first go :what: no trial no practice. no manual. I mean breh :upsetfavre: think about that shyt. Have you ever had a biology lab? heard of experiments, hypothesis, ect

Im not really going to go into anymore of how my complaints are kinda of dumb with a dude whos basically agreeing with my dumb points " First off the show is 100% unrealistic." I think thats what I meant by :duck: status

My whole complaint is that on a first watch through the average watcher gets caught up on all the cliffhangers. Hell they start and end every single show that way. The whole against all odd type character, geek turned king pin ect... but like I said second watch through to catch up and refresh I had a lot of :what: face going on after about the first season. The show could have been even better if they kept to the integrity of that lifestyle with the same concept. So drop the palm palms breh

This has nothing to do with me "going hard" for the show. Not one person agreed with that silly shyt you said. And obviously the show is unrealistic, but you're nitpicking things that aren't unrealistic. The fact that you're still stuck on how Walt could make the purest meth is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

Plus you aren't even remembering shyt right. Gus got the cartel into meth distribution, yes....but it wasn't until they built the super lab that they started to mass produce it.

As far as "why didn't they kill him and steal the formula"....Ep 1 of season 4 Walter explained perfectly why you can't use a random goon like Victor to make his formula. The thing about an $8 million lab is, you need an actual chemist to run it.

Yes in "real life" Walt would've been dead but the show ain't real life, and it set up circumstances that perfectly explain why he'd be more useful alive than dead.

And it wasn't generating "billions of dollars", it was around $96 million a year. I could pick apart the rest of your post but I don't have the time.



52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Just watched half measure. The ending was insane, I think shyt just hit the fan.
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All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Newsflash: BREAKING BAD is not a REAL LIFE documentary of Actual Events....

last time i checked it fit the genre of 'Dark Action

That means FICTION!!! :beli:

i swear you "coke rap fans" have a hard time distingusing between FANTASY and muthaphukas try to find STREET CREDIBILITY in every damn aspect of life, even if it's a gottdamn cable tv show

Nobody gives a RAT ASS on how you think a Mexican Cartel actually operates....

the point of this thread is to appreciate and discuss the ENTERTAINMENT provided by BREAKING BAD

which in the general opinon of most of the RATIONAL PEOPLE on this board is DAMN GOOD

As for you my friend you need some therapy and maybe a father figure or something :leostare:

cause you really got life fukked up dawg, if you feel so "decieved" by a damn tv script...

:snoop: breh you really need to get Walt's dikk out your throat so you can breath . First you can miss me with all that dikk riding coke, fatherless talk. What kind of p*ssy ass nikka get upset because somebody calls out a show for not keeping it realistic. News flash dumb ass TV shows are scripts point blank. So you telling me that drama based in real life shyt should be all over the place with crazy unrealistic shyt? The wire is fake but there wasn't a bunch of duck tale moments to make the shyt good either. I get it like I said this show appeals to a lot of people who in reality wish they could "break bad" and plays on that fantasy of this guy could be you, back against the not giving a fukk bad ass extect. But don't act like a hoe because somebody peeps the bullshyt on the writing. :stopitslime: