Let's revisit a classic scene:
top 5 scene
what i never could get, was Gus supposed to be portrayed as a villain in this show, or a good guy?
If the show was through Gus's point of view
would he have took action against his drug dealers in season 3 that killed that kid?
How will Walt take action after he visibly seen a child get murdered?
I actually thought the show portrayed Gus in a more sympathetic light than Walt. It showed us what gave Gus his nudge toward viciousness (getting his buddy's brains splattered all over him). No such moment for Walt. It's also hard to think of Walt exacting vengeance however many years later for a friend. There was something more human about Gus' villainy. Walt's just an ego on fire.Well, "Breaking Bad" is unique in that a character's moral alignment isn't necessarily reflective of whether or not they're the protagonist or antagonist.
Last season Gus was the antagonist despite being a fan favorite....this year Walt is the protagonist despite the fact that fans are becoming increasingly leery of his actions.
Whether or not Gus ordered them to kill Tomas, he'd rationalize it was a necessary evil. Likewise, so will Walt. That's what made Gus vs Walt so interesting, they're similar in a lot of ways....too similar to ever co-exist peacefully.
I actually thought the show portrayed Gus in a more sympathetic light than Walt. It showed us what gave Gus his nudge toward viciousness (getting his buddy's brains splattered all over him). No such moment for Walt. It's also hard to think of Walt exacting vengeance however many years later for a friend. There was something more human about Gus' villainy. Walt's just an ego on fire.
It did until he said he'd kill Walt's infant daughter. After that he had to go.
It did until he said he'd kill Walt's infant daughter. After that he had to go.
Where is that from ?