The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
The thing about cops, Feds, CIA, whoever. Even military. You are NOT allowed to carry out illegal orders. If the president said kill an innocent kid, and you followed that order knowing it was illegal, you'd both be in jail. I was in the military. You have an obligation to follow all LEGAL orders and the same obligation to report any illegal orders given. It's the reason why all those soldiers still get time even if they are ordered to rape or torture
Now there are loopholes. As an undercover you are held to the same rules. U can't be a witness to or take part in crime. You can't be the one selling the drugs, you cant take drugs, you can't kill people or assault them or anything like that. Because that person can come around and sue the us government. I got drugs from a FBI agent or I was beaten up by an FBI agent. Undercover or not, it's a liability and also hurts the case when they bring it to court.
The loophole is, most of the time your team will back you up. If you think guys are doing 5 years in the mob as undercovers and never doing crime or assaults, you're crazy. If you think dea agents are doing 5 years in a drug ring with zero illegal activity, you're crazy. What happens is it's not reported by the undercover. And any boss will more than likely cover for him anyway do the case looks good and nobody gets off
All that being said, once Todd shot that kid, they'd have brought his ass back in. There'd be no excuse especially him firing first. Plus they already would have had them at the scene, pulling off a federal crime. And then had their faces on file. Or drop down with 30 agents to arrest them
No fukking way he's a fed. That would be case closed and series over already
Now there are loopholes. As an undercover you are held to the same rules. U can't be a witness to or take part in crime. You can't be the one selling the drugs, you cant take drugs, you can't kill people or assault them or anything like that. Because that person can come around and sue the us government. I got drugs from a FBI agent or I was beaten up by an FBI agent. Undercover or not, it's a liability and also hurts the case when they bring it to court.
The loophole is, most of the time your team will back you up. If you think guys are doing 5 years in the mob as undercovers and never doing crime or assaults, you're crazy. If you think dea agents are doing 5 years in a drug ring with zero illegal activity, you're crazy. What happens is it's not reported by the undercover. And any boss will more than likely cover for him anyway do the case looks good and nobody gets off
All that being said, once Todd shot that kid, they'd have brought his ass back in. There'd be no excuse especially him firing first. Plus they already would have had them at the scene, pulling off a federal crime. And then had their faces on file. Or drop down with 30 agents to arrest them
No fukking way he's a fed. That would be case closed and series over already