okay... everybody... yeah. The kid had to die. Just give it up. If I was the one you was pulling that heist for and you told me a kid saw it but you scared him straight, I'd shoot you in the face on the spot then move my ENTIRE operation and leave your body there for either the feds or the coyotes. Whoever got it first.
Those train dudes ain't stupid. Soon as they get to where they're going and those chemicals ain't pure, two things is gonna happen when they find out that pure shyt is now 90% water at their job.
1. They're gonna say "Wtf that's impossible only places we stopped was at the freight yard and here- oh shyt.

2. You best believe the news is gonna report that "300 million dollars in methylamine just.... disappeared from a train.... possibly where workers claim they stopped to help a broken down dump truck at a crossing. While this seems like an IMPOSSIBLE scenario..."
all it's gonna take is Tarantula Boy to say "I saw how they did it". SOMEBODY's gonna believe it. His parents, the cool kids he gonna try to impress, the cool kids who check it out themselves to be cool... SOMEBODY's gonna believe it.
so yeah.
fukk tarantula boy. wrong place, wrong time.
bystanders get shot.