And you all acting like I am the only one that feels this way when there are others in this very thread that have stated the same thing.
Oh well on to Season 2.

What thread are you reading? No one is agreeing with you. You could've just as easily said "eh, so far I'm not feeling this at all" and I guarantee you nobody would've said shyt.
Instead you went on a reactionary rant about how every aspect of the show sucks and it's not worthy of being compared to "The Wire" and "FNL".
shyt is just dull, comedy sucks, story sucks, acting sucks.
Pardon us for not taking you seriously or assuming you have an ulterior motive.

And there is absolutely nothing interesting about a chemistry teacher with cancer, an annoying wife, a semi retarded kid, or an idiot for a junkie/seller/cooker. Best parts so far for me are the scenes with BIL that is in the DEA.
Which again, is your fault. This ain't "The Shield". 90% of the focus will not be on Hank or the DEA. This would be like someone saying "The Wire" sucks because it hardly ever focuses on Avon. Would that be valid criticism? Hell no. So now imagine how you look in this thread.
Lastly, what did you think the show was about? That's not a trick question. I'm seriously curious as to what you thought this show was about, prior to watching it.