I like these now that they're in hand, pics don't really do em justice.
They need to bring that price down on them joggersI went to the Nike outlet, they had the pro star 5's for 129, yeezy foams for 109, nyc 10s for 119
I copped the 5s and foams since I had the 10s already. They had a lot of casual heat in there today, could have dropped 700 easily. Lol at damn Nike joggers costing more than a lot of the shoes.
You damn right. The outlet/factory store had an 84 dollar discounted price. They had kobe 11s, airmax 95 and countless other shoes 10-25 dollars less in most cases.They need to bring that price down on them joggers
Especially if it's an outlet/factory store.You damn right. The outlet/factory store had an 84 dollar discounted price. They had kobe 11s, airmax 95 and countless other shoes 10-25 dollars less in most cases.