Lol...anybody reading your posts in this thread can see what a clown you are and how fail seeps from your pores. People were sympathetic to you at first, until you exposed your loserness in your subsequent posts.
You in here threatening to fight posters because they constructively criticized your reaction to your situation.
With your ignorant ass mentality, I'm sure you probably really got fired because you were an immature, ignorant cat that never learned how to adjust to a professional work environment and alienated everyone around you, and they eventually all had enough of you and the consensus was
Then instead of soul-searching where you went wrong or how you could've handled things differently, or just put it behind you and worked on improving yourself, stepping up your skills and putting your resume out there, you made some bullshyt ass youtube video using your real name, blamed white supremacy for your professional deficiencies, and shamelessless begged message posters for a handout like a bytch.
Get it together, bum ass nikka. I still wish you good luck.