Ok time to lay the Smackdown on some ignorance here.
Right now in most of the Arab world the Sunni vs Shia conflict has gone out of proportions, Read the following to see where it comes from for many of them.
Now for the rest that aren't obsessed by apocalyptic theories it's a fight to preserve power or survival between the two sects of Islam, Boko Haram and hardcore sunni extremists, a shia (Iran) is as much halal to kill for them as a Jew or a Christian. There is not an alliance as much as our government would say otherwise.
When the war on the Taliban started Iran offered the USA to help out because there had been many border incidents where Taliban extremists would kill Shias but due to Israeli pressure the US declined and proceeded later on to try to link Iran and Al Qaeda as they tried to link Saddam to 9/11, nothing more than trying to blackmail the people and get into yet another fight yet these accusations were quickly dismissed.
Fast forward to 2013 up to now and Iran is killing more Al Qaeda operatives that we are in Syria by sending elite forces to Syria to defend the big cities, again I'll be clear it's impossible for Iran to be sponsoring Boko Haram, it's almost the same as Iran funding the IDF to bomb refugee camps in Palestine.
On the other hand Iran does fund Hezbollah in Lebanon which is viewed as a terrorist organization for a bombing which they commited 20 years ago and for their dislike for Israel which caused instability in Lebanon for 20 years, although when first formed Hezbollah was created to fight the instability caused by Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, eventually the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon where most shytes come from turned them into a resistance group vs Israel which was hailed by Arab countries until now, where a sort of an apocalyptic holy war has emerged.
When it's all set and done, as a non muslim which lived in the middle east I can hope for one thing and that is a shyte victory, the difference here is that the fundamental shytes are more tolerant, accepting than the hardline sunnis which will execute whatever isn't a hardline sunni, you can be a sunni but if you miss one prayer you will be sentenced to death while being under a Shria law environment.
Back to go back into the topic, don't believe the accusations towards Iran funding Boko Haram they'Re as unrealistic as America funding Al Qaeda in Syria... oh wait that can be disputed, so I guess you never know, crazier shyt is ongoing nowadays but it's very far fetched that Iran is helping out a sunni hard line group, I think both sides would consider it as treason to their cause.