Boko Haram Financed By Forces Outside Nigeria- Goodluck Jonathan


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
1. Christian, Islam, Judaism and Seperatists cause Terrorism. So do Multi-national corporations your point?

As far as I can tell, today only Islam causes widespread war, conflict and terrorism, The Boko Haram.

2. Religious Conflicts only circulate through Political Opportunities. Atheists did the same in Russia

War can happen without religion but religion can cause war. What's difficult to undertstand?

3. Teaching me a history lesson...:mjlol:. Well for one the renaissance didn't come from Europeans. It came from the Muslim Moors of Africa who took over Europe for 700 years. They help create the arts, science and philosophy, when Europeans were stuck in the dark ages.

Also Baghdad in it's early years was the Epi-Center for Science, Philosophy, Mathematics and trade.

The Renaissance undoubtedly began with Europeans in the 14th century. The Moors are this time weren't even a factor. If Greek texts were a factor, that in and of itself has nothing to do with the Moors. Berbers--likely Moors--were benighted too during this time.And lol @ the "Muslim Moors of Africa".
Might want to check where your hospitals came from. Try bridging mills, marching bands, guitar, etc. I'll let cnn do the rest.


These inventions--if they are even true--happened in spite of Islam, not because of it. Geniuses make inventions throughout the ages, but European society before the Renaissance was benighted, ignorant and slavish to religious mores. Invention, art and education flourished with Renaissance and geniuses did too.

4. Their language and their story fits exactly how the Christians have theirs which is rooted in African(Kemet) Folktale.

I don't know what you're talking about but those languages have nothing to do with blacks. Afro languages are listed as such.

5. Who said I was muslim. Wow son you truly are clueless. Not once did I ever bring my religion up.

You probably are.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
And I can post a BUCH of articals to the contrary.

Analysts: Nigeria's Boko Haram Funding Vast, Varied
Mar 20, 2014 - In one of the poorest regions of the world, Nigerian insurgents fight with advanced weaponry and ...
Boko Haram's Funding Remains 'Elusive'
May 22, 2013 - Nigerian militants known as Boko Haram are well-armed and presumably well- funded. But as ...
Africa in Transition » Funding for Nigeria's Boko Haram - Blogs
Sep 12, 2012 - There has been speculation in Nigeria and elsewhere about how Boko Haram funds its operations.
Boko Haram: Iran Linked to Confessed Terrorist Planning Attacks on ...
Feb 21, 2013 - Home Media & Campaigns News Boko Haram: Iran Linked to Confessed Terrorist Planning Attacks on ...
Boko Haram's Funding Traced To Uk, S/arabia: - Politics - Nairaland
Feb 13, 2012 - Boko Haram's Funding Traced To Uk, S/arabia: - Politics - .... I am not holding my breath either - we are the nation who allowed Iranians who smuggled enough arms to support a small ...
'Akhwat Akwop' Asks Boko Haram Sponsors to Leave The Country ...
... republics of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Sudan had been funding the terrorist activities of Boko Haram, ...
Boko Haram's International Connections | Combating Terrorism ...
Jan 14, 2013 - As a result of these international connections, Boko Haram, ... 40% of Boko Haram's funding comes from outside of Nigeria, ..... such as the Shi`a fundamentalist and pro-Iranian Islamic ...
Saudis and U.K. Funding Nigeria's Boko Haram? - CBN Blogs
Feb 13, 2012 - Nigerians have&maintained for a long time that Iran and Libya are the sources of arms smuggled to ...
Boko Haram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the past, Nigerian officials have been criticised for being unable to trace much of the funding that Boko Haram has ...
Insurgent: Foreign Fighters, Doctors With Boko Haram, Articles ... › HOME › NEWS
Oct 27, 2013 - Boko Haram has long been known to be receiving funding from abroad. Founding father Mohammed Yusuf was receiving funds from Iran, Sudan and Saudi Arabia back in the 1990s, ...
Unknown - Use precise location - Learn more
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Its not CERTAIN yet.

We may not know who exactly is funding the Boko Haram, but Occam's Razor says 1) Muslims are involved and 2) Arabs are involved. Arabs have been found smuggling weapons to groups in the region. They have the means, the will and are known to fund terrorism. This presupposes they are involved, not withstanding the fact they are Muslim themselves (by and large)


Jun 4, 2012
The Muslim Berbers, Arabs or East Africans are to blame for Boko Haram's armament and terrorism. They are partly to blame for the Boko Haram maiming, torturing, kidnapping, raping and killing their own people.Your insane religion and her demented followers have the blood of innocents on your hands. Your Islamic cult must be destroyed and all the crazed zealots with it. Your existence is a hangnail on Africa and African development.


Jun 4, 2012
After Reading over these four pages.... I can see why this group isn't stopped yet and why the real culprits are still 'unidentified'

1) We want to put 100% on the blame on some foreign Shia Muslims out of Iran funding these Sunni??

2) We really believe there is no nation or persons that isn't a Muslim Arab that supports this? ?

3) We ignore that this isn't a Islam vs everybody group... They have no real mission because they kill Black Muslims in Mass all the freakin time.

4) We ignore all the factors and corruption that would make it easy for ANYONE with money to cause a group of Nigerians to kill thousands of people. Look at outsiders for help and for blame is the reason Nigeria and most of those nations are Still in the position they are in.

5) Without the initial colonialism... none of these problems would exist...

6) Tribalism and loyalty to tribes (for individual personal gain and Wealth ) Is the reason NOT Islam - That as they discover for natural resources and 'nation build' the average citizen remains poor and venerable.. while a few get wealthy. You have non Muslims RIGHT there in that nation with Personal accounts of 300-800 Millions US dollars.... who have been known to fund killings and support groups who ride on rival tribes... but we are still acting basic and saying these issues are because of Iran or whoever else.

7) Muslim african traders are harmed the most by this.... The Christian areas are also under attack but are still gaining in wealth.

8) Plus non of the African Muslims or muslim groups support them. No muslim stands to gain anything. a few hundred Muslims can't represent all of African Muslms and as Nigeria was becoming a regional powerhouse... nonMuslim stand to gain x1000 from Boko Haram's creation... and most of the politicians there have 'used' these killing for their own benefit.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
After Reading over these four pages.... I can see why this group isn't stopped yet and why the real culprits are still 'unidentified'

1) We want to put 100% on the blame on some foreign Shia Muslims out of Iran funding these Sunni??

2) We really believe there is no nation or persons that isn't a Muslim Arab that supports this? ?

3) We ignore that this isn't a Islam vs everybody group... They have no real mission because they kill Black Muslims in Mass all the freakin time.

4) We ignore all the factors and corruption that would make it easy for ANYONE with money to cause a group of Nigerians to kill thousands of people. Look at outsiders for help and for blame is the reason Nigeria and most of those nations are Still in the position they are in.

5) Without the initial colonialism... none of these problems would exist...

6) Tribalism and loyalty to tribes (for individual personal gain and Wealth ) Is the reason NOT Islam - That as they discover for natural resources and 'nation build' the average citizen remains poor and venerable.. while a few get wealthy. You have non Muslims RIGHT there in that nation with Personal accounts of 300-800 Millions US dollars.... who have been known to fund killings and support groups who ride on rival tribes... but we are still acting basic and saying these issues are because of Iran or whoever else.

7) Muslim african traders are harmed the most by this.... The Christian areas are also under attack but are still gaining in wealth.

8) Plus non of the African Muslims or muslim groups support them. No muslim stands to gain anything. a few hundred Muslims can't represent all of African Muslms and as Nigeria was becoming a regional powerhouse... nonMuslim stand to gain x1000 from Boko Haram's creation... and most of the politicians there have 'used' these killing for their own benefit.

nobody said that iran was 100% responsible, what i said is that iran was supporting them and all the evidence points to them being supported by iran

and i also said that they get supported by muslims inside nigeria and by other muslims outside of nigeria

im just making a big deal about iran because essays have been written about how the us gets involved on other countries and have tried to paint iran as a victim of american imperialism or a peaceful nation when in fact iran is a very aggressive nation exporting arms and interfering in the politics of other countries

i agree that without the initial muslim colonization non of these problems would exist
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Jun 4, 2012
nobody said that iran was 100% responsible, what i said is that iran was supporting them and all the evidence points to them being supported by iran

and i also said that they get supported by muskims inside nigeria and by other muslims outside of nigeria

im just making a big deal about iran because essays have been written about how the us gets involved on other countries and have tried to paint iran as a victim of american imperialism or a peaceful nation when in fact iran is a very aggressive nation exporting arms and interfering in the politics of other countries

i agree that without the initial muslim colonization non of these problems would exist
The US and other western nations weren't involved in creating the aggressive nature of Iran and Iran's involvement in weapons trading?

The US hasn't funded and armed anti government and pro government forces in south american, africa, asia depending on their own agenda. Why is it only bad if Iran does it to a MUCH lesser degree?


May 30, 2012
Ok time to lay the Smackdown on some ignorance here.

Right now in most of the Arab world the Sunni vs Shia conflict has gone out of proportions, Read the following to see where it comes from for many of them.

Now for the rest that aren't obsessed by apocalyptic theories it's a fight to preserve power or survival between the two sects of Islam, Boko Haram and hardcore sunni extremists, a shia (Iran) is as much halal to kill for them as a Jew or a Christian. There is not an alliance as much as our government would say otherwise.

When the war on the Taliban started Iran offered the USA to help out because there had been many border incidents where Taliban extremists would kill Shias but due to Israeli pressure the US declined and proceeded later on to try to link Iran and Al Qaeda as they tried to link Saddam to 9/11, nothing more than trying to blackmail the people and get into yet another fight yet these accusations were quickly dismissed.

Fast forward to 2013 up to now and Iran is killing more Al Qaeda operatives that we are in Syria by sending elite forces to Syria to defend the big cities, again I'll be clear it's impossible for Iran to be sponsoring Boko Haram, it's almost the same as Iran funding the IDF to bomb refugee camps in Palestine.

On the other hand Iran does fund Hezbollah in Lebanon which is viewed as a terrorist organization for a bombing which they commited 20 years ago and for their dislike for Israel which caused instability in Lebanon for 20 years, although when first formed Hezbollah was created to fight the instability caused by Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, eventually the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon where most shytes come from turned them into a resistance group vs Israel which was hailed by Arab countries until now, where a sort of an apocalyptic holy war has emerged.

When it's all set and done, as a non muslim which lived in the middle east I can hope for one thing and that is a shyte victory, the difference here is that the fundamental shytes are more tolerant, accepting than the hardline sunnis which will execute whatever isn't a hardline sunni, you can be a sunni but if you miss one prayer you will be sentenced to death while being under a Shria law environment.

Back to go back into the topic, don't believe the accusations towards Iran funding Boko Haram they'Re as unrealistic as America funding Al Qaeda in Syria... oh wait that can be disputed, so I guess you never know, crazier shyt is ongoing nowadays but it's very far fetched that Iran is helping out a sunni hard line group, I think both sides would consider it as treason to their cause.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The US and other western nations weren't involved in creating the aggressive nature of Iran and Iran's involvement in weapons trading?

The US hasn't funded and armed anti government and pro government forces in south american, africa, asia depending on their own agenda. Why is it only bad if Iran does it to a MUCH lesser degree?

the us definitely supports forces to suit its own agenda, and?

im just pointing out that iran does it and iran isnt a victim its a player and that iran is supporting muslim terrorists in africa, therefore i support us making moves to contain iran