As far as I can tell, today only Islam causes widespread war, conflict and terrorism, The Boko Haram.
War can happen without religion but religion can cause war. What's difficult to undertstand?
The Renaissance undoubtedly began with Europeans in the 14th century. The Moors are this time weren't even a factor. If Greek texts were a factor, that in and of itself has nothing to do with the Moors. Berbers--likely Moors--were benighted too during this time.And lol @ the "Muslim Moors of Africa".
Might want to check where your hospitals came from. Try bridging mills, marching bands, guitar, etc. I'll let cnn do the rest.
These inventions--if they are even true--happened in spite of Islam, not because of it. Geniuses make inventions throughout the ages, but European society before the Renaissance was benighted, ignorant and slavish to religious mores. Invention, art and education flourished with Renaissance and geniuses did too.
I don't know what you're talking about but those languages have nothing to do with blacks. Afro languages are listed as such.
You probably are.
1. The Congo has 6 Million People dead...that had nothing to do with Islam. It was about Resources. Now try to educate yourself on that for a minute.
2. War is about Deception. Think about it?

Your other responses is stupid, trolling and among other things....

4. I don't expect you to know about history, so languages is something that bypasses your small weak-minded brain.