Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
someone really likes the April $12 puts on X.
someone is betting on steel to fall even more.
someone is betting on steel to fall even more.
someone really likes the April $12 puts on X.
someone is betting on steel to fall even more.
I was just reading Japan is the oldest it's ever been.
aren't we already seeing historic lows?
Was everything we saw in the last five years or so due to China?
Scary. It's going to be madness when it starts to happen here I'm afraid.
I could've swore there was a dustup about this awhile back you may have posted the article or was that Citi?
How UBS Spread the Pain of Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis to Clients
This seems like a pretty bizarre case...
I was actually thinking about investing in bonds in the city/state (NY) but am having a hard time figuring out the income/benefit/tax aspect. If anyone could break it down?
They would be tax free, would it also reduce my AGI?
Meant to throw this here originally.
Need to revise down those earnings estimates more so we can have more beatsearnings are coming up next month and they're going to be ugly. banks are already warning they aren't going to meet consensus EPS figures.