Boiler Room: The Official Stock Market Discussion


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Apr 21, 2013
The Street
Monetary policy should seek to avoid major surprises | Larry Summers

Monetary policy should seek to avoid major surprises

In recent writings, I have laid out the strategic case against the Federal Reserve tightening this week. There is a compelling tactical case as well.

Monetary policy should seek to avoid major surprises. Right now the fed funds futures market is assigning only a 28 percent chance to a September tightening. In the last 20 years, the Fed has never tightened without guiding the futures market to at least a 70 percent chance of a tightening. So a move now, given how expectations have been managed, would be an extraordinary shock at a highly uncertain time.

To find a relevant precedent, one has to go back to 1994, when the Fed raised rates by 25 bps despite the market assigning only about a 30 percent chance (around what is expected now) of a tightening. What followed was dubbed by Fortune Magazine as the “Bond Market Massacre.” Over the ensuing nine months, the interest rate on the 10-year bond rose by 2.2 percentage points — nearly twice as big an increase as any subsequently — with mortgage rates rising in tandem. Volatility spiked dramaticallyacross the world, and Orange County had the then-largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. Mexico and Argentina moved towards financial crisis.

There is a point here quite separate from the issue of what monetary policy should be. Communication is a key part of the art of monetary policy. The Fed for a generation has caused its tightening moves to be anticipated because it learned from the 1994 experience. The same approach should be taken going forward. Even if it were otherwise a good idea to tighten, no adequate predicate has been laid for a rate increase this week.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
Domingo Halliburton said:
selling September puts on the VIX with strikes in the teens looks like a good bet. VIX is still above "Greece may default levels" and the board is so backwards that it will take a higher sustained market to get down there to those levels and it will most likely take weeks to do so.

$VIX settlement is 22.38, about 59% Sept. $VIX call options expire worthless, while 75% of $VIX put options expire worthless