I'm not too informed but is there a marked difference in the Oil trade vs the Wheat trade?
My uneducated understanding is that they are both trades based on the squeeze in resources thanks to the war along w/ an increase in demand post-pandemic. The prices aren't sustainable so if/when resources are reallocated, they are gonna fall in a hurry. Not saying it will happen overnight because Shipping is a stretched sector taking forever to unwind, but I think Wheat and Oil move in lockstep.
I actually just did a quick search to see how the Oil and Gas ETF (XLE) is correlated to the Wheat ETF (WEAT) and how that compares to an investment in one of the main indexes (S&P 500, Nasdaq, Dow Jones):
Link (Looking @ Jan 2021 - March 2022)
Overall, Wheat and Oil are strongly correlated at 88%, so it's might not be a very diverse trade FYI