Boiler Room: The Official Stock Market Discussion


Dec 11, 2015
+ rep.

A year from now people gonna be screaming they should have bought Tesla at these levels, it's like clockwork, lol.

We're clearly on the fast track to mass EV adoption. Soaring gas prices should be the flashing signal for everyone where this thing is heading.
Exactly, ev adoption is inevitable and rapid. The way today went we could see Tesla below $600:whew:. The upside is immense.

The chart below is from April 2020. Tesla produced 930k in 2021, 130k over the anticipated 800k. Exponential growth :wow::wow:. People believe this is all priced in but when you look at Wall St production future estimates for Tesla it's obvious they are drastically underestimating future production growth and therefore earnings.


Aug 22, 2015
For the average American a decent equipped EV cost so much more than a standard car it probably isn't worth the purchase. Also the electric grid isn't gonna support everyone driving EVs.

There's still challenges to be conquered before EVs go mass market.

I only speak from personal experience but I make a decent income and live in a large city (Atlanta), my apartment complex doesn’t even have an EV charger, not 1.

One of my friends moved to LA from NYC so he needed a car, he went and got a Tesla and loves it, has a charger, etc. everyone is different.

It’s just hard for me to feel like they’re accessible to the broader population based on my personal experience I just laid out. If it doesn’t feel accessible to me, I can’t expect someone in Greenville, Richmond, Albuquerque etc. to automatically have a charger near them and have it make sense economically.


Dec 4, 2016
I only speak from personal experience but I make a decent income and live in a large city (Atlanta), my apartment complex doesn’t even have an EV charger, not 1.

One of my friends moved to LA from NYC so he needed a car, he went and got a Tesla and loves it, has a charger, etc. everyone is different.

It’s just hard for me to feel like they’re accessible to the broader population based on my personal experience I just laid out. If it doesn’t feel accessible to me, I can’t expect someone in Greenville, Richmond, Albuquerque etc. to automatically have a charger near them and have it make sense economically.
Infrastructure. Today's setup is not even close to what the future setup will be:
Biden has pledged to have the US reach 500,000 public charging stations by 2030, and that over half the vehicles in the country will be electric or plug-in hybrids by then.
Biden's EV plan aims to build charging stations along interstate highways

I'm not saying that Tesla is undervalued or that EV won't go another 20% lower. I'm just saying that long-term, it is the future. I feel the same way about clean energy and marijuana as well

This point I’m so far down I think it’s impossible to recover
This is the hardest part of DCA. When it feels like you're chasing good money after bad. If I were you, I would do some reading on sunken cost fallacy and make sure you are still investing because you believe in the companies and not because you're trying to get back to breakeven
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Master Baker
May 1, 2012
I only speak from personal experience but I make a decent income and live in a large city (Atlanta), my apartment complex doesn’t even have an EV charger, not 1.

One of my friends moved to LA from NYC so he needed a car, he went and got a Tesla and loves it, has a charger, etc. everyone is different.

It’s just hard for me to feel like they’re accessible to the broader population based on my personal experience I just laid out. If it doesn’t feel accessible to me, I can’t expect someone in Greenville, Richmond, Albuquerque etc. to automatically have a charger near them and have it make sense economically.
your building new? all the new large complexes here in DC got EV charging spots. and for all those people out in the sticks, they probably own, in which case it only costs $300-1000 for an EV outlet. if you putting $40 worth of gas in your car each week, you can pay to fuel an EV with 25 weeks of gas money...seems like a good tradeoff to me :yeshrug: spend less on a charger than you do for gas each year