Boiler Room: The Official Stock Market Discussion


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
i like this company just based on their balance sheet. what do they do exactly? I was reading a little on the company and what the hell is

circuits and software?

haha yea man that semicoundctor industry is mad confusing

basically they specialize in chips and are like the Intel of the telecom/smartphone world. :blessed:

Their chips such as the snapdragon are basically used in all smartphones/tablets and allow the phones to perform certain functions. They also have certain service divisions but the reason they got this big is mainly due to the smartphone and tablet growth.

They are also the pioneers of CDMA/3G and a big part of LTE's development so they receive patent royalties from Apple, HTC, Blackberry, LG, Samsung, etc. basically anytime a phone is produced with the 3G/CDMA tech.

I looked into it waaaay back. What I do know is that since its last quarterly release which was good with great guidance but the stock still dropped 5% that day and then rose back to where it was before the conferenace call. Ever since then its dropped from 67 to 59. Now is when it should begin to break out judging by the charts :smugfavre:. Exponential Moving averages will be soon approaching and it basically bounced off its lower bound bollinger band.

The SP500 is down but QCOM for once is up. Last point is that they acquired a large stake in Sharp in June (the TV/electronic appliances Sharp). This investment has to do with the development of revolutionary LCD screens and is key because smartphone growth can only take em so far.

Dr Dre's ProductionSkills

Hutch, yella, Mel-man, Daz, Mike Elizondo
Jun 16, 2012
Thank u benjamin bernak aka helicopter ben aka airwolf aka chop chop chopper city aka benny bank

Basically this moron during what was supposed to be a q and a abt the fed history decides to bascially say qe will never end lol taper? Fukk that

Futures up and gold suddendly reborn

My guess is we go up slow grind to like 1750ish till end of this year then market correcta when airwolf decides to retire then markets get scared jus like this past month aka the taper threat but then prob yellen get s elected reiterates a big fukk taper ITS QE 4 LIFE and will hit epic hits like 1900 in 2014 gold will be crazy high too like 3k

Then will all be fukked cause we al know how running up a huge cc debt ends the dreaded bk biggest bk ever smh

Dr Dre's ProductionSkills

Hutch, yella, Mel-man, Daz, Mike Elizondo
Jun 16, 2012
Airwolf said inflation is too low lol wtf have we been doing for the last 5 years

Its been a totally waste no inflation no growth which is worse

They are gonna so double down on qe

He dollar is at what low 80ISH

They want the dollar at like 60ish lol

Print print print

On a side note the fed wouldve been better off cutting checks or payin of motgages of jus random ppl think abt that it wouldve been more efficent to give us monwy than he piontless printing off money that has so called saved us from the abyss

All thay money is lost and wasted at least if they wouldve jus given us random money we couldve couldve paid down our debts to do what we do best which is to spend money aka growth

5 yrs wasted time and money and we hav to pay that money back somehow lol

Man when they push he reset button all hell is gonna break loose


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
dont feel like explaining but buy qualcomm calls asap. Just trust me brehs.

i decided to buy facebook calls yesterday instead of QCOM (a week later than i wanted - wedge reversal) money is tied up til monday but believe me. QCOM and FB are displaying very short term bullish patterns brehs. VERY.

FB might hit 30 (depending on earnings) and QCOM easily can hit 66 in the next month.
Both are falling wedge reversals and QCOM remains very oversold. Theres no reason it shoulda dropped since earnings so much.
If you must, go on google finance and expand to the larger chart. Zoom out 1 and 3 months and tell me you dont see a pattern for QCOM.
For facebook youd have to zoom out 3 months and its like a hybrid between a falling wedge and then ascending triangles. A pennant is probably more accurate i dunno.

Mr swag

We Out Here
Apr 30, 2012
The Well Respected Uptown,Virginia
I see you guys talking about options. I just want to make sure I got this right

If I buy a call option of Bank of America for .34 it comes out to 34 dollars for the 100 shares (current share 13.50)

If I get it for the strike at 14. Do I still collect money even if it goes over 14????

And when the contract is up do I hit "sell" or does that just sell the contract before I can collect?


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I see you guys talking about options. I just want to make sure I got this right

If I buy a call option of Bank of America for .34 it comes out to 34 dollars for the 100 shares (current share 13.50)

If I get it for the strike at 14. Do I still collect money even if it goes over 14????

And when the contract is up do I hit "sell" or does that just sell the contract before I can collect?

Call options are optimistic, meaning that you expect the stock to go up. Option pricing is a lot more complicated than collecting money if it goes up or down though.

Time value is a big component of pricing and it is affected by volatility, how far away from the strike you are, and how much time is left til the option expires. All in all, time value is the premium that youre willing to pay for an option in anticipation that it will increase in value.

Intrinsic value is the simple part. If you buy BAC options for a strike of 14, you currently have no intrinsic value because it is priced at 13.53.

Now lets say it does cross 14 before expiry but not by much...that intrinsic value will slowly become all the value as time deteriorates. So lets say you buy options that expire in January...right now they are about 80 cents a piece....

The only way you're going to make money is if by January 2014 the stock goes up more than 14.80. However, if you have good swings that happen before than and lets say by September BAC hits a price of 14.30 or so. Those options may be as much as $1.50 bucks for instance because now they'd have 30 cents of intrinsic value. But time will also have lowered...however maybe volatility went up. (70 cents time value + 30 cents intrinsic = 1.00)...a more positive outlook even though time has lowered...higher volatility...and them shyts might be 1.50. The numbers should be taken with a grain of salt but if you look at what goes into the Monte carlo/ Black scholes models youll see that option pricing isnt that simple. Until you understand how they work...but 6 month options at the minimum. Nothing sooner than that.