Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
BBRY's ba;ance sheet is a beauty. No long term debt, bunch of cash, current ratio at about 2? quick ratio around 1.5, low price to book ratio. Shorts will manipulate the hell out of it though. Short-Float ratio is 41% actually I think now. High risk high reward to reverse my bad last week and then some. If I lose I lose. I believe...but I'm staying pessimistic.
Recently I'm about 4/7 on my earnings calls.
Q4 for KKD was poor
Q1 for KKD was amazing
Q1 for LYV was great
Q1 for Tesla was INCREDIBLE
Q1 for EVR was meh
Q1 for AYA was amazing
Q2 for AYA was meh
what is aya? amaya? i don't see it trading on american exchanges