So the reason why I switched out of pennies was because I took some L's.
When I first start "trading" i never lost any money swinging blue chip companies or big tech like AMD, at best i broke even. With pennies, while I could make money in a fraction of the time I could also loose it all just as quickly. And let's face it there's nothing worse than having your money sit in a stock, that you have no idea of it's real practical use or market.
Over a 2 month span, i basically turned 2k into 8k, but lost 2k to pennies. While I was making more than I was losing, I had enough foresight to know that i was basically on a crash course until I corrected.
Now I sleep easy at night, making money at a much slower place, because I know my investments are legit and will pay off in the next 3-5 years.