That's what scares me about the r/WallStreetBets-esque dip buying. Yes, even though the economy is trash, the stock market is bullish so it makes sense right now, but it is not a sustainable trading strategy.
I can admit that my most profitable trade ever was terrible trading. Back then, I was trying to swing trade deep OTM calls... options where the Bid is $0.00 & the Ask is $0.05. I was losing money hand over fist but I got lucky with one play. I bought $190 worth of Heinz calls after commission @ $0.05/ct. I was in the trade for a few days/weeks and nothing was happened. One day, I was at work grumpy after fighting with my ex, and this dude that knew I had a position open messaged me to ask if I saw the news. Heinz was bought by Buffett and each option jumped to like $9.00. If I remember right, $190 turned into like $29,000 but it was such a shytty trade that I knew was pure luck. I consistently lost money for the next few months and stopped trading for a year or two lol.
I stay away from OTM options for the most part as well nowadays although I may dabble in a bit in my IRA since the time horizon is longer. Are you using options basically to swing trade stock and ignoring the greeks?