There is no financial L from a stimulus. People worried about a stimulus when the FED is already pumping the market make no senseAgreed. If i have to take financial L for a more progressive America that's cool with me
There is no financial L from a stimulus. People worried about a stimulus when the FED is already pumping the market make no senseAgreed. If i have to take financial L for a more progressive America that's cool with me
It will if people invest but that's not a guarantee. There were much less unemployed when the first one hit. It could also impact inflation cuz more money circulating might mean raised prices on goods. I think even now the prices on some stuff has gone up like food. Lots of places have lost business these last few months so they gotta find a way to make up for that and that leads to raised prices. In the long term who knows what effect it will have. The US dollar is the most powerful currency in the world but it could easily lose all it's value just like any other currency. I think a few countries had devalued theirs. Nobody knows what could happen or what the government is capable of. Imagine if they put in negative interest rates like some countries have. I think the government and Fed said they weren't gonna do that but nobody knows for sure. So a stimulus can be helpful or not at all if it's less money than the last time and the prices of goods go up and the value of the dollar goes down.Wouldn't a stimulus keep the market going up? Or you are worried about the long term impact of the stimulus?
Amazon and Tesla earnings back to back, about to break the stock earnings thursday
Isn't it great? Just got out of a relationship this weekend and I was feeling down, but these two babies have me feelingNAK and LCA both hitting for me![]()
Isn't it great? Just got out of a relationship this weekend and I was feeling down, but these two babies have me feelingnow
Making money heals all woundsActually the same thing happened with me last week.... but I gotta stay focused on these gains
Making money heals all wounds![]()
I'm holding lca for a while, really think in a couple years in can be in that 70-100 range. And I have to listen to the goat @Chef Mello on nak. His price points have this as much higher so I will wait and hold. I wish i bought more of both, lca never dipped again and I didn't expect nak to have this run its had the past few trading daysIt does. I don't have a real exit plan on either NAK or LCA![]()
LCA I have to hold through the merger it's a long term setup I think it has a lot of potential. NAK will continue to rocket if the deal goes through. Gotta find the median between being greedy and leaving money on the table lol
I'm holding lca for a while, really think in a couple years in can be in that 70-100 range. And I have to listen to the goat @Chef Mello on nak. His price points have this as much higher so I will wait and hold. I wish i bought more of both, lca never dipped again and I didn't expect nak to have this run its had the past few trading days
Yeah mello has been in this since it was pennies. Im 1.38, averaged up from 1.28what's your cost basis on NAK? I'm at $1.65 so I think I'm good holding... I think @Chef Mello is way lower he's been in for months
Yeah mello has been in this since it was pennies. Im 1.38, averaged up from 1.28