Mediswipe back up today.
About fuccing time.
Mediswipe back up today.
My ARNA Jan 18 $7C is finally paying off. Up 100% atm. Looking for another gainer tomorrow and possibly Friday. Hoping for 250% on the call by Friday.
good play, I've been playing ARNA since 2009 (along with VVUS) - saw it pop up today in my feed and was wondering whey I wasn't still in it lol.
I've always hated VVUS. WS backed it for whatever reason and shytted on ARNA. Arena has always had the better product with less risk IMO. I lost a lot on its way down after I missed my chance to sell pre-approval. Making it all back slowly on the way back up though. This thing is going to skyrocket this year. I'm buying $10 leaps after I cash out my current calls.
MACK was great but Im even happier because the knowledge I have now versus when I made that MACK profit enables me to take LESS losses on trades and make steady gains every day...I haven't taken a loss all yearWhats good everyone. Been a minute. Wanted to wish you all best of luck in 2014. Shugg...congrats on that MACK stock. Hope you made a killing on it breh.
Been trading Rockwell Med. Bought it back in the high 9's. Picked up some NSPR mid 2's and dropped it for small loss. Shoulda held it cause its at 3 today.
Been getting my reading up. Reading that Random Walk Down Wall Street book. Dopeness.
Studying fundamental analysis right now also.
MACK was great but Im even happier because the knowledge I have now versus when I made that MACK profit enables me to take LESS losses on trades and make steady gains every day...I haven't taken a loss all year(not saying much being that its the 15th, but still
I told people to buy RIBT when its was down to 5.1's and 5.2's 3 -4 days ago and today it shot up to 6.2
Same with KFX when it was in the 6.9's its now a 7.3
Same with RGDX and SPCB and ZOOM and JRJC and others.....lets make money brehs