I think I list on the first page of this thread either stocks I've owned in the past or currently own. The post is like a year old so it's changed a lot since then. Define your timeline. Do you want to trade and make money by next week or do you want to start a retirement fund?
next week
How much time do you want to put into it? I follow the markets everyday. That may not be your thing. If it's not, I would recommend index funds that track the whole S&P 500 or some american index.
i want to follow it every day
do you know how to read a balance sheet or income statement? You said you're in college you may want to take an accounting course.
its safe to say I've take a good couple, still taking more
see you have to study companies and learn things about industries. did you know that video game companies lose money on hardware sales?
yes Sony lost money on every PS3 they sold and still do. It's all about the software. It might be game companies and store like wal mart, best buy and amazon that actually benefit the most from high game console sales.
edit: yeah I would mess with the coli simulator before you try it in real life. wallstreetsurvivor.com has a simulator and there's plenty more out there.