Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
The Dr, is a smart guy who looks at the big picture, the long term results of action, he says Chalky as being a flunky because he wants to be scene, he wants to be the man, look at Nucky now, he is behind the scenes in that hotel doing business, same with Capone, he in Cicero those guys have plans to be a part of everything and get there share, Chalky is a good man, but he needed to improve himself, reading and expressing himself in a more civil manner would improve him in the long run, I see the Dr. as a Johnny Torrio type stays behind the scene but yet is a part of everything that goes on. In the next episode the Dr is getting in the dope business with AR, he sees that as power. If him and Chalky do clash it will be over the junk his performers will on and maybe what he has his men sell to the Nordic tribe.

So Capone is behind the scenes in his brothel?

All this talk about Chalky being a flunky...Nucky is quick to say its not his club. And Chalky answers to nobody.

This is racist 1940s America, it was a huge step for Chalky to even get the club, now he needs the Dr. to take him under his wing?

Who knows how the story unfolds between the two...

If it is a whole bunch of dialogue and mind tricks between Dr. and Chalky. :camby:

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
How is that the best thing to happen to him?

Narcisse is scum.

If that happens they wasted 4 seasons on developing Chalky.

Even though Nucky and Chalky commit crimes, none of them are at the same level of scummingness as Narcisse. Narcisse is a manipulator, a sociopath, neither Chalky or Nucky is dumb enough to fall for his act. These guys do thing in their own way, Nucky through politics and Chalky through the black community.

How soon do you guys forget, Nucky doesn't even see the President of the United States (Woodrow Wilson) as he equal. And Nucky has shiited on some major gangstas, even Masseria, who had Gyp and Rothstein scared shiitless. Nucky and Chalky don't operate at the same level.

Even then...Chalky never needed Nucky to operate on the black side of town, that's why it comedy when people downplay Chalky. (This like saying Bumpy Johnson was a surboniate to Dutch Schultz and Luciano in Harlem). When has Chalky ever have to answer to Nucky? Chalky even backed down the KKK, and killed white men witnofukksgiven.

But of course everyone is impressed by a two bit huslter who manages acts, and spits bible verses. While both Nucky and Chalky has tied down entire towns.

You made a lot of good points in this post but I feel that everybody needs to get challenged at least once. Meeting a character like Narcisse will only keep Chalky sharp, on his 'P's & Q's, and just maybe learn to read or something of that nature. Dunn challenged him when they were locked up but Parsley was beneath Chalky plus he had people in prison so he didn't really feel threatened by Parsley. Narcisse is a completely different animal. He's throws Chalky off which is good for him in the long run. He's attacking him with wordplay and tactics. They are totally opposites which makes this a dynamic confrontation. I don't know what's in store for both characters as this season progresses but Chalky definitely can grow from this.


Jul 14, 2012
Im the only one noticing the clothes changing too? The authenticity is redic on this show. Imagine no IPad no IPhone. Could u stand on you're own two?

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
You made a lot of good points in this post but I feel that everybody needs to get challenged at least once. Meeting a character like Narcisse will only keep Chalky sharp, on his 'P's & Q's, and just maybe learn to read or something of that nature. Dunn challenged him when they were locked up but Parsley was beneath Chalky plus he had people in prison so he didn't really feel threatened by Parsley. Narcisse is a completely different animal. He's throws Chalky off which is good for him in the long run. He's attacking him with wordplay and tactics. They are totally opposites which makes this a dynamic confrontation. I don't know what's in store for both characters as this season progresses but Chalky definitely can grow from this.

I'm sure he will grow from this, look how far Nucky has come. I remember people was straight doubting Nucky. Now, its crazy they are doubting Chalky, especially we seen Chalky hold his own. I think a conflict would be forced, because the Dr. operates in NY, and their criminal activities don't over lap. So unless they go the Breaking Bad route and introduce some ridiculous scenario or plot device, I'm not interested in seeing Narcisse vs. Chalky just because they are both black. Chalky been taking fools to war since kumbaya.