nah you're right, Margaret teaching nuns about thier vaginas is riveting shyt.What an episode
I bet Lucky has to end up agreeing to join Masseria to get him to kill Gyp (or allow it) by seasons end.
edit: and at people who find this boring outside of the shootout... this is great TV throughout.
nah you're right, Margaret teaching nuns about thier vaginas is riveting shyt.
Good episode.
On the real: That was a poorly-planned hit -- one guy against four, entering a locked room where the target is probably armed. They should have had at least three guys. Not Smart Arnold but lucky especially Bugsy but we all know that he's crazy.
Van Alden got down ass chick. I have a feelings that Van is hooking up with Dean O'Banion, was a real life Irish gangster who was a rival of Al Capone and Torrio.
whats up with that gay ass avatar?
What's so gay about it?