rosetti is a legit sociopath. the season started out with him either intimidatin folks and in some cases even murderin them. more and more its started to become seducin these bytches... the bottom line bein he does what he feels he needs to to get what he wants. this got summed up in that scene after they murdered nucky's crew and he debated with ol dude on which waitress he should fukk. i won't be surprised if his approach changes again later in the season, to bein a weak, helpless person or some shyt
owen was def steppin outta pocket this episode. i shoulda seen the kid roland murder happenin but i got pretty high to night

i seen somebody say that they think nucky is gonna murder eli. i won't directly agree with that but i def understand the notion. eli and owen's actions might have different intentions, but i doubt nucky would see them any different from one other. the only fact that would matter is that they're flyin way too close to the sun

nucky's trust all but died with jimmy. you see it everywhere. roland, owen, eli (of course), margaret, etc. thats why he's simpin so hard over that bytch. she the only one he got trust in and things are gonna go to shyt when she finally betrays him
yo that fat guy that got his ass beat had me hollerin though...
"its not easy... i take a shower... and not hour after i'm done i