Dudes eye got blown out.They just got done setting a cop on fire...
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For every one person that got killed Nucky called Billie Kent 10x. That shyt ain't gangsta.

Dudes eye got blown out.They just got done setting a cop on fire...
What are you looking for?
Exactly gyp is a plot device . He's too dangerous to be kept as a season long villain he's like the twins on BB. They need to give a real reason for his continued living
Loved that Luciano scene yesterday. He did his thing. So, the dudes in NY don't know that Jimmy died? They think he skipped town/went back to the military? I didn't know that.less rosetti
more luciano/lansky/siegel
He didn't rob him, he stop the shipment from going through, to rob him would be to rob AR and he would be greenlit for death, Gyp is big but AR pull the strings.The preview for this episode was pureOne scene with NY. More annoying Margaret BS No Chicago. Nucky has morphed unto the ultimate sImp. Stalking average whores. Sending Gyp another shipment after he robbed him like a ho and insulted him. Gyp is an interesting character though. Cant believe ppl are hating On him. And Harrow is a certified G
Im hopinh Season 3 has less "cold war"-like conflicts, and more head-on (or off) fukkery like the first season
Remember last season Eli and Jimmy set Nucky up to get murdered mainly becuz he was treating them like shyt and not really showing them any respect...basically being an a$$hole to everyone he worked with.
Gyp is like the counter to that. Nucky can't make his little slick remarks or make moves that may rub him the wrong way without some consequences. Eli and Jimmy just let the animosity build up over time but Gyp startsimmediately.
And Nucky definitely knew what he was doing when he didn't show up at the warehouse and sent the note. That was a definite fukk you to Gyp in my opinion...
Also, does Lucky think Jimmy's still alive?
Gillian mentions that he'll be returning or somes shyt, but it seemed like Lucky knew she was BSin by his response.... but I'm not sure...
And they need to use Owen more..... he's to trill to be getting so little screen time. His character is what made the loss of Jimmy seem bearable to me.