September Update: Music with Michiru-san
Posted by Koji Igarashi (Creator)
We've got a nice change of pace for this month's update: I get to throw it to IGA, and then
IGA gets to throw it to
somebody else. This week Michiru Yamane is here to show off some new music and tell us a little about the process behind each new track.
But first, IGA:
For today's update, we are sharing four songs from the game, composed by none other than Michiru Yamane. These tracks include the Kickstarter campaign soundtrack, the music from the E3 demo, and two new songs. None of them is much longer than a minute-and-a-half, but each one will immediately make you think: "Ah... this is definitely Michiru-san's work."
Please note that we have a tentative plan for when each track will be played, but they may shift around after the stage tracks are all completed.
I composed this track last May to provide a soundtrack for the Kickstarter campaign. The promotional video of Igarashi-san saying, "But I know they are wrong!" and throwing the wine glass left a strong impression on me.
VOYAGE OF PROMISEThis is the music for the stage aboard the
Galleon. For this track I wanted to evoke the feeling of an adventure's beginning.
The reference material I received showed a very beautiful place, and this melody came to me immediately. The heavenly pipe organ and soprano vocal make this one of my favorite tracks.
The Entrance was a very beautiful place as well, but I was inspired by the fountain, the chandelier, and all the sparkly decoration to compose a track that sympathizes with Miriam's sad and cruel fate.
Thanks to Yamane-san for sharing some of her work with us! We're looking forward to hearing more.