Not these type of games.
The development cycle on fairly simple games like this is definitely not 3 years.
The witcher 3 was made in 3 and half years.
Because it's an old school metroidVaniaHow is this game "fairly simple?"
I don't think it's necessarily an indictment on the game or anything like mighty no.9 I just think thsee Kickstarter games are by and large poorly planned and not very efficient.3 years is a long ass time butI'm gonna let him cook. I see both sides of this.
I don't think it's necessarily an indictment on the game or anything like mighty no.9 I just think thsee Kickstarter games are by and large poorly planned and not very efficient.
Because it's an old school metroidVania
I mean. Like I said. The witcher 3 took 3 and half years to create start to finish.
This is a throwback old school game using modern tech to build it.
A game like this would only take a year to create during the ps1/ps2 days.
This game is pretty obviously in development hell. It's clearly not going smoothly.
There are multiple studios working on this with more than 100 people between them.The Witcher had 240 people developing the game. Metroidvanias are not simple games, and this is looking to be the most ambitious Metroidvania of all time.
Show me the Metroidvanias that took a year to create. There's nothing suggesting that the game is in development hell. They delayed it well before the original release date, so they were obviously able to judge that the development was not going to release on time with all the extra stuff they are adding.
There are multiple studios working on this with more than 100 people between them.
Super metroid was made in 2 years by 15 people.
This game has over 5 million in resources tied to it for a freaking metroidVania game.
Axiom verge was entirely created start to finish by just one single person and it took him 5 years and he didn't even work on it full time.
This game has literally over 100 times the staff and right now is on pace for 3 years at minimum and who knows if it's going to be longer than that. They don't even have a release date for a game that's over a year away.
The new Strider game was made in 1 year by about the same amount of people if not less.
The fact a metroidvania game is taking this long with over 100 people working on it is quite clearly proof that the game is in development hell.
This is not a AAA game and yet it has the roughly the same size of staff and development cycle as many AAA games.
Im sorry but it's clearly not going well.
This isn't some AAA game. There's no reason for that long of a development cycle.
The fact that inti creates is a developer in this and was a developer on mighty no 9 says enough.Mismanaged, I will never do another Kickstarter
Isn't Yooka Laylie slated to be out in the next 5 months and they both Kickstarted at the same time?