I decide to check up on all the NPCs I've gathered since the sky has changed again which means I've progressed in the story. The old lady from the begninning of the game and the nun have lost their minds. :dayum: The prostitute Arianna is in pain and I can't get anymore blood from her (it wasn't all that great but still).

I went back to the Hunter's Dream and accidentally tried to warp to the Grand Cathedral but I couldn't.

I make my way over to the lamp and there's the crow woman I was doing quests for earlier. She's outside of the lamp room looking pretty fukked up so I figure that hunter she was chasing was in there...and he sure enough was.

Took me 6 tries to kill him and twice I had him down to 1 hit left but fukked up at the end, but I got him.

Got the Hunter rune from the crow woman that allows stamina to recover faster too.

I make my way to the other path opposite what leads to the Forbidden Woods from the Cathedral Ward where I fought those 2 NPC hunters earlier in the game. I go down this cave and kill 2 of those bladed giants and find myself standing in front of the room I was warped to when I beat Rom...and there's that Amygdala creature still there lurking.

This time I say fukk it and run past her and now I find myself inside of the Unseen Village. Stronger versions of the same bunch of enemies from the beginning of the game pop up but nothing I can't handle....but what fukked me up is that these motherfukkers respawn after I certain amount of time

. Part of me is thinking I might be able to farm for echoes here but for now I'm just exploring the place...I make my way to the lamp and see something that almost killed my enthusiasm. Make that 2 things:

There's only 2 paths to take and these things are lurking right on top of both of them.

I go towards the right path and end up killing myself because I fell down an elevator shaft that's clearly meant for a shortcut later in the area.

I get my echoes back and make my way left...this path is swamped with enemies and the creature right above the door...I got no choice but to run past all of them and kill what follows me once I make my way in.

And I forgot to mention, since entering the area, I've been hearing all sorts of bells for some reason...well further in that room, I see a new enemy that rings bells but he's nothing too tough.

I make my way further out and find myself in another prison room with more respawning enemies and an upgraded troll giant that looks covered in blood. Same old tactics apply.

Same old enemies too because now I find some of the Hemwick witches but I don't have room to space them out like before so I have to take them more seriously. I find a little shortcut to a locked door that leads closer to the lamp and discover that the bell enemies are the reason these old enemies are spawning in the first place.

Knowing that, I go a little futher and try to find more bell enemies since the ringing hasn't stopped outside and I get jumped by 2 packs of witches that slice me to pieces.

I got my echoes back and went back to the Hunter's Dream.
I almost though I had this game figured out by now