I jump up, throw my remote on the chair and roll to take a piss and grab a brew.
lol, for some reason, I envision you rolling, literally, Bloodborne style.
I put in some time last night & today. Before heading to the Forbidden Woods, decided to hit up Paarl in the jail. Didn't know what to expect, and I was getting fukked up quite a few times last night. Almost had it once, got Lightning Stomped, and said fukk it. Went back today, and killed it on my 4th try (with 2 of those 3 deaths being getting jumped on 2 seconds into the damn fight. SMH). I have my Saw Spear at +6, with one blood gem that does an extra 12.6% damage to beasts (on top of the extra 20% it does already), and a fire blood gem also. Them big wolves that are lurking around are 2-hit (R1) kills now. Easy. That's my weapon of choice when going into battle with these beast bosses. It's what I fukked Paarl up with today after previously using Ludwig's Sword.
So the Forbidden Woods. Finally. Go through slow and steady. Couple traps got me

. Died a couple of times, had a 40k pile of echoes built up when that cannon one shotted me. I found the little sneak way around, then got caught against some stairs when it got me. Go right back, take care of cannon fukkboy, and go in to the building. Find the dude with the snake head that I think Zero posted a pic of, run away, then find an elevator switch that won't work. I eventually come across what I assumed (correctly) was the Suspicious Beggar. I want to cash in before I attack his bytch ass, and figure that Snake Head is guarding my shortcut, so I go to him, kill him, find the shortcut, cash in, go back and beat the Beggar (using the cheap way of course

Deeper into the woods I go, and come across A. the little bundles of snakes, and B. the BIG ASS BUNDLES OF SNAKES. SMH, the fukk man. I eventually get through there and collect a few runes, then stumble across the shortcut using the elevator that I found a little earlier that wouldn't work. So I hit that up, get back to HD with another 30k or so, and level up. Farmed Hypogean Gaol a little more for another level up of echoes and more Twin Shards to get my Cane to +6, and turned it off for now. I also found a lake with poison water with 3 giants stomping around. There was a loot orb across the way, which I'm sure was something good, but I didn't wanna deal with the poison and giants at that moment, so I left 'em. Will have to go check it out again at some point.
I now have Ludwig's Sword, Saw Spear, Tonitrus, Cane & Hunter's Pistol all at +6. Ludwig and Saw Spear are my main weapons, but seeing as Tonitrus will be effectively used against Rom, I decided to get it up there too. Now I just need to start getting Blood Shard Chunks, of which I only have 1 so far.