Knicks: 93 til infinity
I guess you may be talking about race relations in the US but this myth that "white people blindly support each other" is still one of the biggest misconceptions on thecoli. Have a look at European history breh 

I blindly pledge my allegience to the black race because I have no choice. I'm a member of an oppressed and hated group of people and I'd be a fool not to pledge allegiance to my race.
weird because practicing individuality has gotten us nothing but fukked in the ass
black people have a tendency to continue doing shyt that's not working
Thisweird because practicing individuality has gotten us nothing but fukked in the ass
black people have a tendency to continue doing shyt that's not working
Its thanks to this whole individuality move that many of our people do, we now lack unity.
We arent building with each other enough, we arent making much businesses and we are stuck to begging white people who may or may not be racist for a job.
We have been accustomed to a lifestyle where we put our fate into others hands.
This lack of unity also leaves many of our people defenseless against groups who go at us.
Bad idea. Not enough of us are awake. It would be to our own detriment to support any black person because they're black or expecting their support in return.
Now with that said, if you can network and build with a specific group of black women and men who share the same visions, goals, and principles as you and who you know are truly loyal, then from there you can build a culture (or sub-culture) that you can "blindly" support.
Otherwise, there's just too many c00ns and new blacks lurking around, especially nowadays. You would be setting yourself up for major disappointment. Trust me, I know...
Are you some sort of paranoid schizophrenic? How are you able to just create a parallel universe that doesnt have anything to do with reality? All other members of different races "blindly" support each other? What in the bloody fukk are you even talking about? That would be like someone starting a thread asking "is anyone bothered by the fact that women have three t*ts...shouldnt two be enough?"...
And anyone paying attention to your posts can easily tell that being black is psychologically burdensome for you, and you wish you were born of another race. In almost every post you put other races on this ridiculous pedastal.
I really don't see how whenever thecoli talks about this they say that white people blindly support "their own".
Maybe racist ones when cops kill a black man but they insult celebrities and politicians and people in general just like anyone else.
1. ATL is proof of like minded people doing things. We just need more areas like this. Recent events are making more and more people want to support our own.Were never going to have unity on the scale that most of you like to think. Whats stopping like minded people from building these things? There are PLENTY of black people who speak on self sufficiency and black businesses. The passion is there in a great deal. From what I see the ones who talk this arent willling to put their money where their mouths are. Lack of unity has little to do with it.
And I also disagree with lack of unity leaving us defenseless. Many black people are anti self defense or expect someone else to come to the rescue. Hell, many expect gawd to come down and stop the bullshyt or punish our enemies. So even if there was "unity" this shyt wouldnt change in the slightest. shyt, I'd even argue that collectivism would make it worse. Then we'd REALLY have a "someone else will do it" mindset.
Please explain how it is a detriment to support black people because they're black. That's what everybody else does, and everybody else is doing better than blacks. If supporting your own shouldn't be done, you should make an argument as to why, because everyday life infers that people benefit from supporting their own. The Europeans supported each other when it came to splitting the Americas up, and now they own all of the Americas.
Generally speaking, most races are more likely to favor their own in job hiring, dating, business, etc. This de facto means that races "blindly" support each other and this translates to real life.
1. ATL is proof of like minded people doing things. We just need more areas like this. Recent events are making more and more people want to support our own.
2. If there was unity would would be better off than we are now. Collectivism is us getting together to do something instead of us waiting for white people to do something.
Because you cant assume that you know where their politics are. There are plenty of opportunists and trojan horses. Not to mention if said black person's politics just dont agree with your own....why support them? Silly to waste money, support or resources on someone that you dont even really agree with one way or the other. Or isnt even doing anything for you. There is zero point. I think that black people would do well to practice more critical thought not less.
And I certainly wont shyt on a black person who only supports those of their faction or of like mind. Not unless of course they're shytting on us as a whole. Infact I think thats the only way we'll get anything done from now on.
Black people have been practicing "individualism" for the last 500 years. There is "individualism" in the Africans whom war amongst each other while cacs and Arabs rob and enslave them. The black race is the poorest, least accomplished, least renown and least collective people on Earth. Meanwhile the white race came together through white supremacy, killed the Natives, allowed their countries to split the Americas and now reap the rewards. For nigh on hundreds of years, whites did not even allow non-whites into white countries. It's only now that whites own everything that they allow such. Asians still don't allow immigrants into their nations. Japan and Korea, two of the most advanced societies on Earth, are anti-immigration and xenophobic.
So if "blindly supporting your race" is not the answer, why has every race that has done so achieved so much success whilst the races whom have neglected to support their own haven't? Where are the Natives whom fought amongst themselves whilst the Spanairds, English and French murdered them all?
thank you. seems like this thread is proving that we truly are the only race that doesnt believe in blind loyalty![]()
Then look for like minded black people and build with them because any racial unity is a pipe dream at this point.I agree with you. But you said a keyword. "Like minded". People should work with like minded people if thats what they want to do. The issue is that not everyone is going to be like minded.
We'll never have unity on that scale. Not without either internal or external coercion. The only thing that we'll ever truly be on the same page about is discrimination. I'd much rather see black people work with like minded people or practice individualism if they so choose. But i hear you, man.
I was making a carte blanche argument vis-a-vis supporting black people generally, but I concede and agree with you that anti-black people whom mean ill to black people should not be supported merely because they are black. At first I assumed this was obvious but it occurs to me that perhaps this is not so.
not even sure how to respond to this, but okNot true.. I went out to lunch with my Indian co-workers. They wanted to try a new Indian restaurant. The food was cold( it was a buffet ) and they didn't like the place. Last time we went there. They didn't keep going back just because they were Indian also.. Garbage is garbage..lol