You're premise is false. You don't blindly support anything. You can be very clear and object and still deduce that being black identified is better than the alternative.

You're premise is false. You don't blindly support anything. You can be very clear and object and still deduce that being black identified is better than the alternative.
Bad idea. Not enough of us are awake. It would be to our own detriment to support any black person because they're black or expecting their support in return.
Now with that said, if you can network and build with a specific group of black women and men who share the same visions, goals, and principles as you and who you know are truly loyal, then from there you can build a culture (or sub-culture) that you can "blindly" support.
Otherwise, there's just too many c00ns and new blacks lurking around, especially nowadays. You would be setting yourself up for major disappointment. Trust me, I know...
Are you some sort of paranoid schizophrenic? How are you able to just create a parallel universe that doesnt have anything to do with reality? All other members of different races "blindly" support each other? What in the bloody fukk are you even talking about? That would be like someone starting a thread asking "is anyone bothered by the fact that women have three t*ts...shouldnt two be enough?"...
And anyone paying attention to your posts can easily tell that being black is psychologically burdensome for you, and you wish you were born of another race. In almost every post you put other races on a pedastal.
Interesting, as a whole I feel like white ppl show the least amount of allegiance to their race. It seems like white liberals and SJW love minorities and defending the rights of minorities than themselves. Look at Europe for example, they allow mass immigration to UK, France, and Sweden with no care or worry that they may become the minority in their own homeland. Do you think Japanese, Chinese, and Jews(Israeli) would hand their country and woman over to foreigners like the modern day white ppl do?
Nah, today, Jews ride for their own way harder than whites ever do.
Even with the typos?
Interesting, as a whole I feel like white ppl show the least amount of allegiance to their race. It seems like white liberals and SJW love minorities and defending the rights of minorities more than themselves. Look at Europe for example, they allow mass immigration to UK, France, and Sweden with no care or worry that they may become the minority in their own homeland. Do you think Japanese, Chinese, and Jews(Israeli) would hand their country and woman over to foreigners like modern day white ppl do?
Nah, today, Jews ride for their own way harder than whites ever do.
They are a majority indigenous population in Europe. They don't gave a history of immigration until the 50s really but watch as their immigration continues to grow and see how Nuetral the white population in Europe is. For the first time since the 30s nationalism is rearing it's head in Europe. Nationwide is not about being loyal to whites but preserving their dominance to the exclusion if foreigners.
I've noticed this as well.Are you some sort of paranoid schizophrenic? How are you able to just create a parallel universe that doesnt have anything to do with reality? All other members of different races "blindly" support each other? What in the bloody fukk are you even talking about? That would be like someone starting a thread asking "is anyone bothered by the fact that women have three t*ts...shouldnt two be enough?"...
And anyone paying attention to your posts can easily tell that being black is psychologically burdensome for you, and you wish you were born of another race. In almost every post you put other races on this ridiculous pedastal.
Are you some sort of paranoid schizophrenic? How are you able to just create a parallel universe that doesnt have anything to do with reality? All other members of different races "blindly" support each other? What in the bloody fukk are you even talking about? That would be like someone starting a thread asking "is anyone bothered by the fact that women have three t*ts...shouldnt two be enough?"...
And anyone paying attention to your posts can easily tell that being black is psychologically burdensome for you, and you wish you were born of another race. In almost every post you put other races on this ridiculous pedastal.
I've noticed this as well.
Well yes, I am sure white nationalism will grow as Europe immigration increases, its only logical. But will it be enough to out number the SJW whites that support diversity and the immigrants that now consider Europe their home?They are a majority indigenous population in Europe. They don't gave a history of immigration until the 50s really but watch as their immigration continues to grow and see how Nuetral the white population in Europe is. For the first time since the 30s nationalism is rearing it's head in Europe. Nationwide is not about being loyal to whites but preserving their dominance to the exclusion if foreigners.