Good pointExcept that he attaches the "you hate being black" lie to almost everyone here so his post doesn't hold any weight.
Good pointExcept that he attaches the "you hate being black" lie to almost everyone here so his post doesn't hold any weight.
Good point
Well yes, I am sure white nationalism will grow as Europe immigration increases, its only logical. But will it be enough to out number the SJW whites that support diversity and the immigrants that now consider Europe their home?
Look at Sweden, it seems that the beta white male species over there has no problem with handing over the keys to their house and white wife over to the BBC. That type of mental sickness has to be really powerful, and I seriously doubt that white nationalism will grow large enough and quick enough to reverse the effects of "cuck" madness which they're suffer from. At any rate, whats going on in Europe, shows that as a whole white ppl do not base every decision on what best benefits their race. In reality, they are actually making decisions that is hurting their race. Jews/Japs are the most effective when it comes to racial support/loyalty imo.
and when that Vietnamese or Cambodian goes up against a black personI don't see japenese and Chinese Americans helping out poor viatnemese and Cambodian Americans under the idea of "hey we're all Asian". They actually look down on those people
trolling or he has a psychological defect; he can't help himself. its pretty sad really. This thread is somewhat bushes worthy based off the OP but I'm in a good mood so I'll let it die slowlyIt seems like the only time he'll pop up to make a post is to throw some ridiculous generalization at us about how we hate black people or if we were white we would be SF members and how we're the equivalent of the black SF. Not sure why he keeps coming back here if he hates most of the people here.
thank you. seems like this thread is proving that we truly are the only race that doesnt believe in blind loyalty![]()
I don't believe in blind loyalty either, twords anything. You're an individual first. Race is part of a persons identity not their whole identity.
"individuality" in the black community is just a nikka who wants to be in with white women
trolling or he has a psychological defect; he can't help himself. its pretty sad really. This thread is somewhat bushes worthy based off the OP but I'm in a good mood so I'll let it die slowly
It seems like the only time he'll pop up to make a post is to throw some ridiculous generalization at us about how we hate black people or if we were white we would be SF members and how we're the equivalent of the black SF. Not sure why he keeps coming back here if he hates most of the people here.
Are you some sort of paranoid schizophrenic? How are you able to just create a parallel universe that doesnt have anything to do with reality? All other members of different races "blindly" support each other? What in the bloody fukk are you even talking about? That would be like someone starting a thread asking "is anyone bothered by the fact that women have three t*ts...shouldnt two be enough?"...
And anyone paying attention to your posts can easily tell that being black is psychologically burdensome for you, and you wish you were born of another race. In almost every post you put other races on this ridiculous pedastal.
And a collectivist in the black community is just someone that wants to get fukked in the ass![]()
Blindly showing allegiance towards anything is fukking crazy. Be it race, religion, nation,tradition, culture, family or even a woman.
It demonstrates mental weakness and lack of critical thinking or any ability to think for yourself. Not to mention that it makes you ripe to be taken advantage of. May as well be a fukking automaton.![]()
A bammer weed sighting!!! Havent been seeing u much around these parts since @Ronnie Lott put u on the SummerJam Screen. But why the anger? Is my question not legit? Its just something ive noticed and maybe im wrong, but it seems TO ME that every other race goes harder for their own than us. We are the only group on the planet that
at the thought of living amongst ourselves. We view living among whites as "making it". Sorry for holding the mirror up for you. Everything isn't pretty. Self-hate is a major problem in the black community. If stating the obvious means that im putting other races on a pedastal to you then so be it if u see it that way. But i LOVE being black and wouldnt change it for anything. And yes, being black in Amerikkka can in fact be a little burdensome. I envy that you've never had to deal with it
I definitely don't have blind allegiance to black people. I would never bad mouth blacks in front of white people though.Yall think blindly showing allegiance towards one's one race is good or bad?Everybody else does it except blacks it seems. Lowkey, im envious. As evil as white people are i gotta
them for how they stick up and defend each other NO MATTER WHAT. A white person goes down, they will quickly form a barricade around that person. I long for the day that blacks think like this. i long for the day that we realize that WE ARE ALL WE GOT. We have no comrades. So what do yall think? Is showing blind support a strenght or a sign of ignorance?