Dum Shiny
I'm thoroughly confused as to what happened to Ichigo. Did he get kicked out of the soul kings palace or what? Looks like Kenpachi's zanpaktou is finally speaking to him.
From what I'm reading, Renji passed the Asauchi test and Ichigo failed it, partially because (and this is speculation based on murky phrases like "Asauchi didn't choose you" and "you were able to fight without Asauchi so far", all of which is dependent on translation), Renji's already subjugated Asauchi before; it's what his Zabmaru was before it became individualized. Remember that all Zanpakuto are formed from Asauchi, if you've never experienced it before (Ichigo's seen it exactly one time ever), you'd have no idea how to pass the test.
So Ichigo failed, I believe for two reasons: The first being the lack of experience with Asauchi, and the second being his Quincy heritage (This is where I got that whole Zangetsu's not a real Zanpakuto thing from; I believe that it's not borne from Asauchi in the same way that a normal Zanpakuto is). As a result, Nimaiya sent him...somewhere to learn his "roots" (Possibly "heritage" or something similar), with the implicit hope that it would aid him in the future. the way, this is ALL speculation. All we really know is that Ichigo failed and got sent somewhere for mysterious reasons relating to his heritage and his relationship with Asauchi.