Black woman wants to know why don't Black men BUILD in their communities like Asian and Hispanic men do?

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
There’s a lot of ‘ma! let me build’ energy around the responses to these topics.

Men don’t need anyone to let them do anything. And as soon as men take real ownership over the community instead of asking things will change.
Sohh we just gonna act like Black businesses aren’t targeted/destroyed, Black businesses men aren’t denied loans by white banks, and we don’t live in a system of white supremacy racism for the sake of daps from BMAT posters :dead:

We also gonna act like Asians have the same history as blacks in this country, and we also gonna act like white don’t hate us more than them and intentionally sabotage and thwart our efforts to build while allowing other groups to carve entire neighborhoods just for themselves.

Do you nikkas know history what the fukk is going on in this nut ass thread?

The BMAT’s have warped y’all nikkas brains to deny reality, forget history, and #BlameBlackmen for everything.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
:russ: :russ: :russ: :russ:

1). Glad to see SOME of the women in here are going off in this dusty little bytch. Calling out their c00ns is a beautiful thing.

2). This bedwench can't keep a cauc, guaranteed.

Funny she mentions Asian businesses, didn't they get a 7 billion dollar stimulus just in 2020 alone? At the same time, Black business were literally being neglected by the government:

(>>>>Link to government sabatoging black businesses in 2020<<<<)

Hispanics and Asians get approved for business loans easily, black people have to jump through hoops. F*uck those clowns, and tell that dumb wench to shop with black people exclusively lile Asains do if she wants Asian results. Fucctard :mjlol:
Koreans also get loans from home and Here. And the loans on the rates they got were ALWAYS FAVORABLE. They couldn’t lose with that. In some cases they didn’t face any penalty on them.

Im pretty sure the South Korean government and underworld helps them out with the hair industry too.

My pops had to dump his 401k and get an investment from my grandfather because those banks were hating. 10 years later, different game. Imagine if he had access to all that capital at the beginning
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Mar 11, 2022
*slowly tip toes in* I surely hope no one takes what SHE says as Gospel. Here’s the thing contrary to what folks think .. these women on the internet don’t speak for black women as a whole. She doesn’t speak for me or the women I associate with. I would like to know everything she feels she’s done for this community because the back and forth is tiring at this point. I know a shyt ton of black men that are building. It might not be the way she or others want but it’s happening. I know brothers that volunteer their TIME and RESOURCES to make sure that the community is good. Just because they aren’t all in the cameras and asking for recognition doesn’t mean it’s not so. Again, she doesn’t speak for us all .. know that.
This video is extremely disingenuous and it is very easy to explain why lol, most people who talk like this wont want to actually "build" They just want the end result. If a man starts where he is and has a food truck or something this is the same type of women who will call him a dusty. If you talk to the store owner it is probably multi generation owners of family who built it up to what we see today, she goes in and films the end result and then says why you dont have that. Not to personalize but this women looks like she is older and if you were to ask her I am sure even with her avg at best looks she had suitors when she was younger but passed on them because of a multitude of reasons, now she wants to shyt on all men for not cleaning up her bad decisions.

If she had interviews with the store owner and he told her about how he started with a fruit stand on corner and his wife was helping and still respected him at home, had a hot plate of food ready and raised the kids, she probably would call his wife dumb. You cant have one side and not the other that is what is missing, there are ALOT of black men "building" in different ways and alot women who could attract them call them "lame", "boring" "got no swag". The social contract in our community is broken, its gonna be hell to build back up because both sides seem to want finished products but not thinking what can they bring as far as investment or what the other side would benefit from partnering up with them. Women have now gone on to say they are the table and they dont need to bring anything but want men to be finished products willing to spend for extreme luxury on them and multiple kids.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
People dont buy into the black community. People move like its some shyt you stuck with if you broke. I say this as someone who supports black businesses and goes to black events in my city regularly. Outside of the activist types and the needy there is frighteningly little support for our own by our own.

To me the bottom line is folks just wanna get theirs and assimilate. This is why all the rah-rah black nationalist/ADOS shyt is disingenuous as fukk to me. People lose their appetite for all that black community shyt only months after the last high profile police brutality case. People in this country want to be the cosmopolitan forever consumers of mainstream pop culture that they were socially engineered for and their only problem with society is that the white girls can afford more Starbucks.

Folks only get on their black shyt when white people make them feel insecure. People only wanna get pro black when someone is murdered on some racist shyt but it's "hotep" to care outside of it. Or like female swirlers on social media getting compelled to write thinkpieces when they see a black man with a white woman while ignoring her own desire for interracial partners.

The woman is right. Im tired of people only caring about "the community" when its to leverage it as criticism on someone else or to grift. When on the day to day the people who care are vastly outnumbered. Proof is out there


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
We did build communities. FOH with this gaslighting shyt.

When brothas step up and try to lead who is right there undermining them damn near every step of the way?



Black men were protesting outside of the weave store where the Asian owner assaulted Black women. The owners offered some discounts and yall loyal Queens was right back supporting that business.

This is another dummy mission. These women just need to admit that nothing the Black Man does will be good enough in their eyes. Just STFU and get you a non-Black man. It shouldn't be a problem if they are all that.

Burned Verses

Nov 2, 2017
Moreover, black men make more money than Hispanics so i don’t get her point there. And even though Asian men make even more they’re largely shunned by the women in their own community

Basically what I’m getting at is black women and woc disdain for minority men is pretty much based on us not being white. Our collective wealth could increase by 20k overnight but they’ll dislike us because we don’t have the cac facial features and hair texture they prefer.


Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
Results speak for themselves.

Volunteering and mentoring aren’t community building. It's charity. Building families, providing safety and employing your people is community building. BM in mass are doing the opposite.

Were you mentoring and building when you were whoring for white men and stripping for them for your entire 20’s and 30’s?

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Results speak for themselves.

Volunteering and mentoring aren’t community building. It's charity. Building families, providing safety and employing your people is community building. BM in mass are doing the opposite.
Thats what we doing over here along with allocating capital and using it correctly. My folks and our associates live this shyt and it’s clear you don’t.


Jun 15, 2012
Sohh we just gonna act like Black businesses aren’t targeted/destroyed, Black businesses men aren’t denied loans by white banks, and we don’t live in a system of white supremacy racism for the sake of daps from BMAT posters :dead:

We also gonna act like Asians have the same history as blacks in this country, and we also gonna act like white don’t hate us more than them and intentionally sabotage and thwart our efforts to build while allowing other groups to carve entire neighborhoods just for themselves.

Do you nikkas know history what the fukk is going on in this nut ass thread?

The BMAT’s have warped y’all nikkas brains to deny reality, forget history, and #BlameBlackmen for everything.
I’m specifically referring to the back and forth aspect between Black men and women on this topic.