Black woman have ~1.2m kids with White, Hispanic and/or Asian men than the childen Black men have?


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
I don't run the forum either but I'm pointing out the hyprocrisy.

If this place becomes a butta babble central I hope they ban me too.
Yeah, it is hypocritical if someone allows some unfounded claims when it appeases them but doesn't allow others to be posted. It's not how I would go about things if I ran the forum, but I don't, so all I can do is point out the hypocrisy.


Feb 16, 2017
:dahell:if their father is black, then they are half black.

i'm saying
if bm have 10k mixed kids & roughly 5k out of those are wedlock
and bw have 5k mixed kids

for bw to have even close to more OOW kids, then 100% of that 5k bw have would need to be OOW. that is an unrealistic thing to be arguing is my point.
Where's the stat saying that Black Men have 10X more mixed kids?

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
I guess if I thought the dude would do it I'd say something but it's just a breh being emotional. shyt happens.

Don't know why an opinion triggered him though.

If you feel he should be banned for that report it thats how it works.


Feb 16, 2017
We don't know. That's always been my position.

Yes, I know how stats works, I completed enough introductory courses for other students. :mjlol: I was trying to work with the scenario you provided. Bro, being completely honest right now, I can barely understand the point you are trying to make.

Can you provide me with a basic syllogism, so a premise and a conclusion.
What I'm saying is the vast majority of children are born in a hospital with the father present at birth and a signed birth certificate.

If most children know who their father is then most Black Men know who their kids is and if Black People know their parents then the government knows too and people can make a inference based on the information.


Feb 16, 2017
If you feel he should be banned for that report it thats how it works.
I think banning people off of words is generally sucker shyt. I can get mad at something said but not that mad.

The Coli already has a reputation as a bastion of Toxic Masculinity. Let it be that. That's like getting mad at the shyt that is said on LSA.


Feb 16, 2017
:why: my post doesn't say that.
You said if Black Men have 10X mixed kids and 5X are born out of wedlock and Black women have 5X mixed kids in totality then Black Men have way more Mixed kids overall.

If that is correct I'd agree with you and yes I'm familar with the stat that says that Black Men marry öut" at 3x the rate. So I'm saying show the stats that says that Black Men father mixed kids at 10X that Black women do.

Any Divestor will tell you that Black Men white women marriages have the most divorces of any group and that Black women white men marriages last longer than any group.

If the stat that the Divestors use is correct you can draw a conclusion on why that is too.


Jul 22, 2014
You said if Black Men have 10X mixed kids and 5X are born out of wedlock and Black women have 5X mixed kids in totality then Black Men have way more Mixed kids overall.

If that is correct I'd agree with you and yes I'm familar with the stat that says that Black Men marry öut" at 3x the rate. So I'm saying show the stats that says that Black Men father mixed kids at 10X that Black women do.

Any Divestor will tell you that Black Men white women marriages have the most divorces of any group and that Black women white men marriages last longer than any group.

If the stat that the Divestors use is correct you can draw a conclusion on why that is too.
:gucci: u are mistaking a k as in Kellogs, koala, kickball for an x.

i inserted simple example figures of 10,000 and 5,000 to illustrate my point it is hard for a minority to make make up a majority like he was claiming.


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
What I'm saying is the vast majority of children are born in a hospital with the father present at birth and a signed birth certificate.

If most children know who their father is then most Black Men know who their kids is and if Black People know their parents then the government knows too and people can make a inference based on the information.
I understand the reasoning, and like I said, I would agree in a vacuum. But the census bureau itself reports that incomplete data is a problem. My only point is that this specific conclusion: "Black woman have ~1.2m kids with White, Hispanic and/or Asian men than the children Black men have", should not be drawn from the data that we are lacking when there are other more likely variables at play. Now I'm not saying it's an impossibility, only that I don't agree with the rushing to that conclusion.

Sure, extrapolation is fine, but you extrapolate from consistent data points. So if the global temperature is rising at a linear rate of .3 for every year within a 10 year period, I can infer that the next three unknown years will consist of a linear rate of .3, that's fine, it could jump by .5 the next year but it was a reasonable inference based on the data I had. OP is taking the absence of data and jumping to a conclusion from that, that is what I don't agree with, it's the only thing I don't agree with.


Feb 16, 2017
:gucci: u are mistaking a k as in Kellogs, koala, kickball for an x.

i inserted simple example figures of 10,000 and 5,000 to illustrate my point it is hard for a minority to make make up a majority like he was claiming.
I get it because I was wondering why you said 5X. i.e how could Black Men have 10X more mixed kids and Black women have 5x

The 10K vs 5k numbers are more beleiveble but I assume that there's more mixed kids than that.

I don't think that every mixed union between a Black Man and non Black woman leads to kids though.


Feb 16, 2017
I understand the reasoning, and like I said, I would agree in a vacuum. But the census bureau itself reports that incomplete data is a problem. My only point is that this specific conclusion: "Black woman have ~1.2m kids with White, Hispanic and/or Asian men than the children Black men have", should not be drawn from the data that we are lacking when there are other more likely variables at play. Now I'm not saying it's an impossibility, only that I don't agree with the rushing to that conclusion.

Sure, extrapolation is fine, but you extrapolate from consistent data points. So if the global temperature is rising at a linear rate of .3 for every year within a 10 year period, I can infer that the next three unknown years will consist of a linear rate of .3, that's fine, it could jump by .5 the next year but it was a reasonable inference based on the data I had. OP is taking the absence of data and jumping to a conclusion from that, that is what I don't agree with, it's the only thing I don't agree with.
Two problems The census is a volentary count where people are asked to particpate in. You could do far better to just look at the numbers based on brith and death records and infer how many people live in a country based on that.

I don't think I ever filled out a census questionarie but I was in the Army and had a Top Secret security clearance, Trust me the government knows way more about me than the average person who fills out a census recorded completely.

I could put down any number on the census but If you are born in america you have a birth certificate and you'll have a death certificate when you die.

Unless you totally discount all stats about Black People it's accepted that Black women have a high single mother rate to the tune of 74% (and dropping) Black Men are single at a 53% rate (and rising)

So who are the fathers of these excess single Black women? Again it would look worse if a Black women had a worldwind romance with a white man and had a child then for her to sign up to be the 16th baby mother of some Black Man.

The Sheas are treading carefully but even they admit that Nick Cannon's baby mothers are looking crazy one of them said We have no labels on our relationship


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
Two problems The census is a volentary count where people are asked to particpate in. You could do far better to just look at the numbers based on brith and death records and infer how many people live in a country based on that.

I don't think I ever filled out a census questionarie but I was in the Army and had a Top Secret security clearance, Trust me the government knows way more about me than the average person who fills out a census recorded completely.

I could put down any number on the census but If you are born in america you have a birth certificate and you'll have a death certificate when you die.

Unless you totally discount all stats about Black People it's accepted that Black women have a high single mother rate to the tune of 74% (and dropping) Black Men are single at a 53% rate (and rising)

So who are the fathers of these excess single Black women? Again it would look worse if a Black women had a worldwind romance with a white man and had a child then for her to sign up to be the 16th baby mother of some Black Man.

The Sheas are treading carefully but even they admit that Nick Cannon's baby mothers are looking crazy one of them said We have no labels on our relationship

Should note, the census actually isn't voluntary, it's just the Census Bureau can't enforce the law against those that refuse to participate. :mjlol: Ironically, some politicians will do nothing about that as it would influence districting and EC votes. Some of the most important federal entities are underfunded and understaffed, on purpose.

But on the topic, I see where you are coming from, just as I saw where the OP is coming from, I only disagree with the deduction of the OP based on the information we have. I'm not averse to accepting the truth being one way or another, I only take issue with what is unfounded playing a significant factor in the deduction.