I don't understand the point of this thread
the logic is as follows:The difference is they are black.
You just come across as lazy to me.
fixed, OP.When he went to Africa (the one time he did), and told them to stop blaming the white man, I knew he was a c00n sellout at that moment.
People called me a militant at that time. I ultimately was proved right. Dude was nothing but a sellout bought out by zionist JEWS to program blacks and promote the zionist JEWISH agenda.
INCOME DOES NOT DETERMINE CLASS.That's not how you determine the middle class.
There are plenty of black people who are in the middle class.
Median black income was 41k for non educated black and 82k for educated blacks.
Are you saying a black family making 82k isn't middle class?
these people have a certain amount of income, but they are more than likely all in some form of disrespect, but do you live in the lower 9th ward and have you ever left that muthafukka?
everybody uses ATLANTA as a measuring stick, but Charlotte, Milwaukee, Chicago, Jacksonville, D.C., Baltimore - all have thousands upon thousands of middle class black folks.
who do you think goes to the essence festival and the tom joyner morning cruises every damn year
seriously though - not really sure your level of cynicism or disillusionment, but your entire statement is so wrong I just had to have a quick little laugh. carry on.
Jesus fukking Christ
not if neither of those things changed the collective plight of black people...Does putting more police departments under federal oversight or having an active civil rights division count?
"first time i have heard an idea, therefore it must be wrong..."^^^^ you've convinced yourself of this nonsense just so that you can continue seeing Obama as a flawless individual...this is fascinating as fukk.
there's no such thing as a black middle class.
I promise that this is the first time i've EVER heard or read this before in my life.
are you black?wasn't it - there were several social programs that were given stimulus and the companies that benefited were expected to higher workers thus bringing the unemployment down across the board , which it did. Lower cost of schools, etc etc.
Let's be real blacks did not take advantage of alot this due to their own lack of motivation or systemic racism - the issue i have is the latter is commonly an excuse and it's very hard to statistically and objectively tell which is which.
wealth and income are not the sameName one stimulus passed under Obama aimed at another race. This dumb shyt been repeated for years and no one can defend it.
The recession wiped out wealth. Wealth became recovering towards the end of his presidency. Traditionally black wealth grows alongside the country's growth. See: black wealth increased in the 90s (dot com bubble).
When the economy is doing good, everyone does well to some degree. Tell me, what pro-black policies did Bill Clinton implement lmao?
obama put money directly in the hands of the same people responsible for the recession.that's an outright lie - just not true and is just dumb negro speak of blaming "the man".
Obama put money directly in the stock market?![]()
are you just retarded or are you an idiot?is @SupremexKing and alt for @CharlieManson ?
your parents likely inherited some wealth, are baby boomers, or somehow connected with baby boomers.There is a black middle class. It's small but it does exist.
Just because a large portion of folks that look middle class are not, doesn't mean there's none of them.
My parents have a net worth of over $1M and zero debt. They rent out 3 properties and other streams of income as well. And they weren't elite in terms of income. The most either of my parents made in a year was around $70K. But they saved and invested wisely. Maybe only 5% of black people are on that level, but a black middle class exists.
There are a number of black fiscally conservative, dual income families out there. Not everybody is on some maxed out credit card, $100K in student loan debt, one paycheck away from being on the street tip.
since when has class been determined by income or lifestyle professor?INCOME HELPS YOU BUILD WEALTH! NOT THE fukkING MONEY FAIRY!
But you aren't correct here. Class can be determined through income, wealth or lifestyle and it also varies from state to state.