Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills


Mar 11, 2015
No one is taking the heat off of the shooter, dude is charged with attempted murder as he should be.

Taking away a phone as a form of discipline and sending that child into the world with no way to communicate with anyone in the event of an emergency is absolutely idiotic. The kid was lost and needed to know how to get to school and because he had no phone to assist him, he had to go to the next best alternative which was to seek help from the strangers who subsequently shot at him.

Black people need to stop moving based on emotion and think logically at all times. Taking your child's only means of communication away is sending them into the same world you warned them about handicapped.

If the only thing that Black people get from this story is "white people are racist, why did they shoot at that poor kid", then their parents have failed them.

We should read a story like this and ask ourselves how we can reduce the risk of this happening to ourselves or our children in the future. One solution is to never send your child into the world without any way to communicate with someone in the event of an emergency.

Yes yes,this is the solution as we see more kids involved in conflict due to their phones and social media usage:wow:.A phone is the greatest defense for the murder of black youth:wow:.People managed to not get shot at just fine being lost without cellphones before cellphones.Unless of course there are trigger happy cacs in your neighborhood who are scared of blacks.

You dont know why this kids phone got taken away.You wont survive in this world without discipline,and having a mother who cares enough to instill some. That part of the story should not have stood out period!dont clean it up like thats not the first thing you came in here on a tirade about:martin:


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
He could have called his mom on the cellphone or even the school to explained what happened. the most important and dangerous element of the story was him being forced into a situation where he had to knock on a strange white person's door for help in a system of white supremacy.
This is what sticks out the most for's need a cellphone.


Jul 11, 2014
This shouldn't be so difficult for adults to understand.


you nikkas are so emotional that you can't grasp the concept of the shooter being at fault for shooting at a person who's trying to get directions and the mother being at fault for creating a situation where her son had to rely on complete strangers for help.

Here's a direct quote from the article outlining the chain of events.

Nah I can read idiot. I read it. You are the one the can here on the first thing smoking talking about how it’s the mother’s fault. If you mentioned the shooters it was as an afterthought. So parents can’t disclipine their children because some crazed degraded racist fukks may or may not try and murder based on the color of their skin.A much better form of disclipine then most families you see use like aggressive violent beatings. Positive and negative reenforcement is a proven behavior modification technique. Ones that parents should be using. So essentially she was being a good mother but she should be at fault for these crazed individuals actions. You never answered since you quoted me. Are we blaming Trayvon’s father? Tamir’s parents or Emmett’s mother? You managed to change the narrative of this thread by absolving these potential child murders of guilt by placing it on the mother. Whether you came with some ooooh they still responsible but but the mom bullshyt or not.You sound stupid period.
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2014
This is what sticks out the most for's need a cellphone.
What teenager is calling their school for directions? Most teenagers don’t even know their schools number. His mom is at work what if she couldn’t pick up because surprise surprise she’s at work. Furthermore HE woke up late if y’all know anything about teenagers y’all know damn well they not gon call their parents and tell them what they did wrong. He would have to admit that he woke up late and missed the bus. If he was going to do that he could have called his mother before he left home from the house phone. Y’all really don’t got it all.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
What teenager is calling their school for directions? Most teenagers don’t even know their schools number. His mom is at work what if she couldn’t pick up because surprise surprise she’s at work. Furthermore HE woke up late if y’all know anything about teenagers y’all know damn well they not gon call their parents and tell them what they did wrong. He would have to admit that he woke up late and missed the bus. If he was going to do that he could have called his mother before he left home from the house phone. Y’all really don’t got it all.
I won't say the mother sent her son out to die but if the boy had his phone, this wouldn't have happened. That's just the harsh reality yall are gonna have to deal with.

You can keep your emotions, I don't want em.


Jul 11, 2014
I won't say the mother sent her son out to die but if the boy had his phone, this wouldn't have happened. That's just the harsh reality yall are gonna have to deal with.

You can keep your emotions, I don't want em.

Once again you stupid. The phone isn’t the issue. More the point a gps can get you lost the same as not having one. I know cuz I’ve used a gps for directions walking and still had to ask for directions. The phone is a what if situation. What if he had his he had his he POSSIBLY could have made his way to school. Or he POSSIBLY could have still been lost. shyt here’s another If the boy didn’t wake up late he would have made the bus and wouldn’t have needed directions you can play this game all day long. A child knocking on your door does not give anyone grounds to shoot at them. All this explaining it away makes you seem silly to be honest. You can yell people are emotional at the top of your lungs to distract from the fact that you have no point and look and sound stupid.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Once again you stupid. The phone isn’t the issue. More the point a gps can get you lost the same as not having one. I know cuz I’ve used a gps for directions walking and still had to ask for directions. The phone is a what if situation. What if he had his he had his he POSSIBLY could have made his way to school. Or he POSSIBLY could have still been lost. shyt here’s another If the boy didn’t wake up late he would have made the bus and wouldn’t have needed directions you can play this game all day long. A child knocking on your door does not give anyone grounds to shoot at them. All this explaining it away makes you seem silly to be honest. You can yell people are emotional at the top of your lungs to distract from the fact that you have no point and look and sound stupid.
Take 5 because you clearly have nothing to say.

I'm telling you what happened and if you don't like it...that's entirely on you.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
No you don't need a cellphone. That's the fallacy that keeps getting repeated here over and over and is being used to chide the mom as if she did something negligent. A cellphone is useful and helpful, but it is not a necessity.
Ok, let me ask you this: how often are you out in the world without your cellphone on purpose?


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
Once again you stupid. The phone isn’t the issue. More the point a gps can get you lost the same as not having one. I know cuz I’ve used a gps for directions walking and still had to ask for directions. The phone is a what if situation. What if he had his he had his he POSSIBLY could have made his way to school. Or he POSSIBLY could have still been lost. shyt here’s another If the boy didn’t wake up late he would have made the bus and wouldn’t have needed directions you can play this game all day long. A child knocking on your door does not give anyone grounds to shoot at them. All this explaining it away makes you seem silly to be honest. You can yell people are emotional at the top of your lungs to distract from the fact that you have no point and look and sound stupid.
The phone actually IS the issue that led to this. It was specifically mentioned in the article for a reason. Yall are dense. Like Ive said on here over and over of course the shooter is wrong and needs to be prosecuted. Nothing is wrong with disciplining your child and taking away their phone. The issue is not allowing your child to have their phone when they are alone. That's the whole reason for buying a 14 year old a phone in the first place. As a parent I know damn well Im not letting my child go around without their phone. If theyre punished from it Ill give it back when Im not with them. You never know what situation will pop up. So yes it was dumb of her to take it


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Not often at all. It's useful and helpful.
Precisely. So, I don't get what all the fuss is about. Yes, people do need, children especially, a cell phone with them in this day and age. The mother did not send her son out for the slaughter but she damn sure didn't help by taking his phone away. Matt isn't wrong at all, yall just don't like the way he phrased what he said (which is admittedly harsh).