I'm all for the truth, not pro black or anti white. Though you know what's funny? When posters and people in general who acknowledge whitewash and white supremacy yet when people try to speak the truth, they're crucified, and called "black supremacist" or a racist
, which imo still makes said person(s) a racist. The truth hurts, and if speaking it around white people or speaking it in general makes me a "black supremacist"/racist so be it. If I'm trying to equal out the playing field by helping brothers/sisters know themselves and I'm called a black "supremacist"/racist so be it.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief." Ecclesiastes 1:18
A lot of people scared to speak and talk about the truth. Even though all the evidence proves the Inequality between people of color and whites, blacks still want to be amongst them like nothing happened. The Japanese gets nuked
twice by these people and love them more than the so called "african americans" who did nothing to them. blacks here in America in slavery for 400 years and who's our best friend? Everywhere you go black peoples friend is anyone but self, why? Because people who claim they are uniting the people are actually dividing them and causing self hatred by putting them in groups such as "african american", "Jamaican", "Haitian", Indian", "Brazilian" etc etc etc. Nationality and religion are the biggest dividers out there and people still co sign this because again, they listen to their teachers who's more than likely white(or black taught by a white person) and said those people down there in Mexico are Mexicans!. That those native americans are Indians. That those people in Africa are Africans. Even though they look just like me, we're different because a white person said I'm an "african american".
So what side are yall on. Your teachers or common sense? Am I a black supremacist because I say the egyptians, mayans, Incas, native americans, people of India, china, Japan, ancient Minoan are black? I gladly accept the title as long as I'm allowed to call you a white supremacist(black or white)for upholding white supremacy by keeping people of color down thinking they are all by themselves when in reality we are the poor majority on the planet while the minority is rich from taking advantage of our ignorance. Sound familiar?