Black Queen will be State Prosecutor in Freddie Gray case/*UPDATE* Six officers now charged!!


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Sadly i'm skeptical as hell about this beautiful sister :snoop:
Her family history of white supremacy enforcement agents is lookin funny in the light :patrice:

Be a product and beneficiary of the Blue Shield and work for a system that persecutes your brothers. I have no more faith in her than I would anyone else. Cop family? Nah, I'm good.:camby:

Yet she continues to speak out against police brutality. She's got big balls. :smugfavre:

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
I never said she wouldn't. I said I wasnt anymore sure than I would be with with anyone else.

You heel-turn ass sellouts are so transparent. And yall always get exposed, too.

And since you seem to have a typical c00n case of selective amnesia, and can't seem to remember what you said, and the context with which you said it:
Be a product and beneficiary of the Blue Shield and work for a system that persecutes your brothers. I have no more faith in her than I would anyone else. Cop family? Nah, I'm good.:camby:


Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
You heel-turn ass sellouts are so transparent. And yall always get exposed, too.

And since you seem to have a typical c00n case of selective amnesia, and can't seem to remember what you said, and the context with which you said it:


Be a product and beneficiary of the Blue Shield and work for a system that persecutes your brothers. I have no more faith in her than I would anyone else. Cop family? Nah, I'm good.:camby:
I never said she wouldn't. I said I wasnt anymore sure than I would be with with anyone else. Keep creating your own narrative though fukkboy.

Have no reading comprehension skill fakkit. :camby:

You barking up the wrong tree with the bullshyt you dragging in here. I'm out here at ground zero putting in work for communities that arent even mine for the sake of the young black men I consider brothers. Its alot of nikkas that don't do shyt to better their people or troll or are just ignorant of the fact and post for shock value. I'm not one of those people breh. I don't know you to make any assumptions like you just tried to do but unless you actually doing something other than calling any and everything a c00n on a board, you can miss me in particular with it. Come out to Englewood where im speaking/guiding/saving our brothers. Come out to the East Side where Im doing the same, Come to 79th and Cottage or the Low End where I go with my mentor program, my job readiness program, my work referral program that I do. Im out here trying to make a difference. Im dealing with Aldermans, Senators, Judges and the Director Shields of Cook County Sheriffs getting my brothers out the jail cells. I know the politics involved with convictions from indictments on socio-economic issues. I've experienced first hand the closest person to me being killed by a police officer and the Blue Shield protecting them. So when I say I have no more faith in any person compared to the next with this broken system , thats exactly what I mean. Jesus himself could be the prosecuter and I would not change my mind. Its needs to be torn down. Every shred of existence of it needs to be burned and built anew. I have no more faith in it to do the right thing than I do a broken watch that gives me the right time twice a day.

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
Have no reading comprehension skill fakkit.

You barking up the wrong tree with the bullshyt you dragging in here. I'm out here at ground zero putting in work for communities that arent even mine for the sake the young black men I consider brothers. Its alot of nikkas that don't do shyt to better their people or troll or are just ignorant of the fact and post for shock value. I'm not one of those people breh. I don't know you to make any assumptions like you just tried to do but unless you actually doing something other than calling any and everything a c00n on a board, you can miss me in particular with it. Come out to Englewood where im speaking/guiding/saving our brothers. Come out to the East Side where Im doing the same, Come to 79th and Cottage or the Low End where I go with my mentor program, my job readiness program, my work referral program that I do. Im out here trying to make a difference. Im dealing with Aldermans, Senators, Judges and the Director Shields of Cook County Sheriffs getting my brothers out the jail cells. I know the politics involved with convictions from indictments on socio-economic issues. I've experienced first hand the closest person to me being killed by a police officer and the Blue Shield protecting them. So when I say I have no more faith in any person compared to the next with this broken system , thats exactly what I mean. Jesus himself could be the prosecuter and I would not change my mind. Its needs to be torn down. Every shred of existence of it needs to be burned and built anew. I have no more faith in it to do the right thing than I do a broken watch that gives me the right time twice a day.

^Hey everybody I volunteer look at me :wave:

People like you sicken me. Like you're the only one "doing" something(youre actually not doing sh!t).

You're just the only one low-class enough to wear it as some sort of pass that allows you to be a c00n at the same time. FOH you self righteous prick.

I've been doing that face-value community photo-op sh!t you're currently on since Diallo you little c*nt...Amongst countless other programs/excursions during my college years.

It's funny the way I can always spot you dudes who only 'help' to say you've 'helped'. And I call yall fake asses out on it every time.

Your negativity wasn't warranted in here and you got your c00n chin checked for it. Eat it and stfu.


May 1, 2012
That jaw says she can only be serious with a beta male.

Them buns may be flat :patrice:

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
^Hey everybody I volunteer look at me :wave:

People like you sicken me. Like you're the only one "doing" something(youre actually not doing sh!t).

You're just the only one low-class enough to wear it as some sort of pass that allows you to be a c00n at the same time. FOH you self righteous prick. I've been doing that face-value community photo-op sh!t you're currently on since Diallo you little b!tch.

Amongst countless other excusrions during my college years.

I can always tell you dudes who only 'help' to say you've 'helped'. And I call yall fake asses out on it every time.

Your negativity wasn't warranted in here and you got your c00n chin checked for it. Eat it and stfu.
Right. You go by the name "ProBlack Panther" on a fukking message board and get caught looking stupid not knowing who the fukk you talking to after you make assumptions then get pissy when someone actually tells you what they do for a living. Get you bytch made ass the fukk on with that bullshyt nikka. Had I not told you for making a dumbass assumption, you wouldn't have known wht the fukk I do for a living but somehow thats me wearing a badge? :mjlol:
fukk boy logic at its finest. The irony in you calling anyone else self righteous is palpable. But you do you though.

Last edited:


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
And she has a history of speaking out against police injustices. She also comes from a long line of policemen in her family.

Will be interesting to see how she handles this case...

Meet Marilyn Mosby, the Woman Overseeing the Freddie Gray Investigation

Marylin Mosby, Baltimore City State's Attorney.

Questions in Freddie Gray case keep Baltimore on edge

Baltimore's state's attorney probably did not expect to be thrust into the national spotlight during her fourth month on the job. And yet Marilyn Mosby — the youngest top prosecutor of any major city in America — now finds herself playing a key role in a local drama that has gripped the country.

The 35-year-old is tasked with determining whether charges are warranted in the controversial death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man who died after suffering a spinal cord injury in police custody. Gray's death has inspired protests in Baltimore and nationwide.

On Thursday, the Baltimore police commissioner announced the department had handed confidential information on how Gray died over to Mosby's office. The Justice Department is working on its own independent investigation. Mosby did not return a call from NBC News requesting comment.

Mosby is a Democrat who comes from a long line of police officers — but she has been vocal about holding cops accountable in the past.

"She has a natural affinity for police officers and law enforcement types, and at the same time, she is aware of the incredible number of complaints against the Baltimore City police department," said Richard Woods, a Baltimore-based attorney whose practice is primarily criminal defense work.

Woods has known Mosby for years and supported her in her campaign for state's attorney. "It was important to have somebody who was willing to look at it from both sides, and Marilyn Mosby fit the bill."

Her interest in the justice system stemmed from tragedy: When she was growing up in inner-city Boston, her 17-year-old cousin was mistaken for a drug dealer and killed outside her home by another 17-year-old.

The former insurance company attorney is leading an independent investigation of the officers involved in Gray's death on April 12. She has not said when she might decide if she will pursue charges.

She has spoken out against police officers numerous times. During her campaign for state's attorney, in response to a Baltimore Sun investigation of allegations of police beatings, she said: "Police brutality is completely inexcusable. I'm going to apply justice fairly, even to those who wear a badge."

Mosby is a mother of two daughters who met her future husband while she was studying political science at the historically black Tuskegee University in Alabama. She was the first in her family to graduate from college, was raised by a single mother, and has law enforcement in her blood.

"My grandfather, my uncles, my mother, my father—I have five generations of police officers. I know that the majority of police officers are really hard-working officers who are risking their lives day in and day out, but those really bad ones who go rogue do a disservice to the officers who are risking their lives and taking time away from their families," she told Baltimore Magazine in January, when she started her tenure as state's attorney.

Her surprise win last November is her first stint as an elected official. She bested incumbent Gregg Bernstein by portraying herself as a crime crusader, determined to keep repeat offenders off the streets.

"People who have zero regard for human life do not deserve to live among the residents of the greatest city in the world," she said in a primary victory speech.

Mosby's first stint in the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office came after she graduated from Boston College Law School. She served first as assistant state's attorney and then prosecuted some of the worst felonies in Maryland in the general trial division.

She left to go work as field counsel for Liberty Mutual Insurance for three years. In 2013 and 2014, she was named as one of the Baltimore Sun's 50 Women to Watch.

Her husband, Nick Mosby, is a Baltimore city councilman who has spoken out about the riots that Gray's death has prompted.

"This is bigger than Freddie Gray," he said in an interview with Fox News on Monday night. "This is about the socioeconomics of poor urban America." The rioters were exhibiting "decades-old anger and frustration for a system that's failed them," he added.

When she was sworn in in January, Mosby promised to fix the justice system.

"As a black woman who understands just how much the criminal justice system disproportionately affects communities of color, I will seek justice on your behalf," she said.

It hasn't all been praise for Mosby. She's been criticized for being too inexperienced for the role she was elected to, but Woods, the Baltimore attorney, said her accomplishments far outweigh her young age.

"I think she's a superb person. And when a defense lawyer says that about a prosecutor, you can believe it."
She wasn't assigned, she was elected. She is the top dog, youngest Chief DA in America.

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
Take that anarchist garbage somewhere else
I'm not an anarchist. I just believe it is damaged beyond repair. The problems with the current justice system are autonomous and self perpetuating. Who the people are will make little difference. This needs a complete overhaul, not a patchjob.


May 1, 2012
I'm not an anarchist. I just believe it is damaged beyond repair. The problems with the current justice system are autonomous and self perpetuating. Who the people are will make little difference. This needs a complete overhaul, not a patchjob.
The problem with the justice system is the people is belongsnto. On paper it makes sense it's just the people that control it are racists Or people that Can be bought

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Gotta say I felt a profound sense of pride and calmness while watching her press conference. I trust her. When I read about her education history (Tuskegee), when I see pics of her family, when I look through her husband's statements...this is in the right hands. Even if these cops get off it won't be due to a bumbling prosecutor or a prosecutor who wants the police to win. She's going to give this her all. And she smartly slammed them with multiple charges. Even if the big ones don't stick, I gotta believe something like negligence will stick.

If this works I think it'll be quite a solid precedent/blueprint for how to charge officers in police brutality cases.